What do you do when not even a psychiatrist knows what's happening to you?!

Question: What do you do when not even a psychiatrist knows what's happening to you?
Since I asked the original question found on this link:
Here's the summary in case you do not want to read that. I have strange sleeping habits where I will lock the door and barricading the closet doors with no explanation why other than I just feel that its necessary for me to sleep good. I will wake up with marks/bruises/scratches on my body that were not there when I went to sleep and have no rational explanation for how they appeared on my body. Update on story: since asking that question my roommate and I have recorded my sleeping at night. I scream on average about once at night followed by a conversation in a language that no one we have asked can identify, even when we took the original taping of it to language and speech profs at my college. They said it sounds like gibberish but at the same time a language. I cannot speak this language when I am conscious. Furthermore, on Sunday night the tape showed my roommate and I go sleep at about midnight. At two a.m. I rise out of bed as if to go to the bathroom, walk normally out of camera, then do not reappear for about an hour. Yesterday morning I woke up with a mark a few inches above my left nipple, and a cut along my right side (neither one was there when I went to sleep). I could not have been gone for an hour in my pajama pants and t-shirt around the dorm building without people saying something to me and no way I could have gone outside with either the desk worker noticing (especially because my R.A. does the Sunday night graveyard shift [12-5] or setting off a fire alarm. In light of this, I made an emergency appointment with the on-campus physician who referred me to the on-campus psych who I saw today. I showed him the voice recording, the video tape, my mark and cut, and everything I said in the previous question. He kind of thought for a minute after I finished my story, and said that doctor's should never lie or keep secrets from patients, and that he's never seen a mentally ill person actually see his symptoms as not right, and present them to a psychiatrist as proof he's insane. He said that I am not schizophrenic because well you know this is not normal, this is not right, and you need help and an actual schizophrenic would come up with a delusion to explain these things, instead of just not coming up with an explanation and not voluntarily seek help.
He prescribed me some anxiety medication to ease my nerves, and calm my brain about this. He said it sounds like PTSD but the problem with that his that no one I know can remember that any life trauma happened to me and would only explain the screaming at night, but he has no explanation for my disappearing, that language, new cuts and marks appearing. He ended the meeting by saying he was here to help anyway he could for me to get to the bottom of this even though I probably have nothing wrong with me on a known psychological or psychiatric level.
p.s. on the cuts there is no way I would have had access to any type of pocket knife or even regular knife. I say that because they both evaluated the cuts and said that they are precise and straight with would rule out any tree branches or any object in nature or non-tool-like sharp object.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Wow, that sounds like a lot of things happening to you at night when you go to sleep. I think that you have a severe sleep disorder, rather than a psycological problem. It sounds like you may sleep walk and have parasomnia. I have seen a TV programme about a man who used to do strange things in his sleep such as hit his wife who was next to him and he didn't even know he was doing it. So don't worry you're not insane or anything, i dont think you have a mental problem. I suggest you go to a Sleep clinic. These are specialist sleep experts who may keep you in overnight to do a sleep study on you. I am sure they can diagnose you and treat you, maybe with medication. I have been to a sleep clinic myself.

as far as your language barrier i would recommend sending it to youtube for answers. as far as the sleep walking i would put up several more cameras. as far as the cuts and such , you know sometimes having a priest to talk to they sometimes come out with the right answers

Get another opinion. U should do a sleep study so prof can see what u r doing before u really hurt yourself

You might want to think about going to a Hypnotherapist. If you find a good one they will be able to talk to your subconscious mind and find out what is going on at night. Everything you do is recorded in your subconscious. Once you find out what and why, then you can deal with solving the problem. The main thing is to seek help. If one avenue doesn't offer help, seek another. Hypnosis can do wonders if you let it. And best of all, it's natural and will not require drugs.

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