What is everyone's problem with cutting?!?!

Question: What is everyone's problem with cutting!?!!?
seriously!?! people aren't emo cause they cut themselves first of all!. second of all people who comment and talk about therapy and being emo your NOTT, helping anyy! i want opions but only from people who understand!. people who cut arent "sick" or f***ed up in the head!. that sterio type **** has got to stop! people who are like "do you like seeing blood!?" wtf is your problem!!? dont jugde people! some people are depressed or batling depression and others just arent strong like as you call them "non - cutters" good foor you if you think cuttings messed up or stupid!. its a great release!. i dont honestly think theres much of a danger to it if you dont cut the wrong spot!. and people dont usally cut for attion so stop with that sterio type too! some people just cant handle things and other just feel so alone!.

so if you agree with me give your oipopns and tell me how you feel!.

thank you!.
(sorry about alll the spelling erros)Www@Answer-Health@Com

i agree it pisses me off because im a former cutter and no its not because of any of that **** people say its because it helped me feel better when i had depression and no one knew but then i got help and i gave up the razor but i agree emo's a type of freaken music not a person -_- people need to give up those steryotypes!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I cut once, but didn't like it, but I was in such a bad state of mind and in so much emotional pain that I needed to feel it and see it!. When that didn't work I drank to get rid of the feelings, but that made even more problems!. It sucks sometimes that we live in a world where we are expected to live "normally" but we see very little normality around us!.

The thing with cutting, it can become like any other damaging habit, you hit the wrong spot because it's a really really bad day, and it turns 911 bad fast!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i don't see a problem with it!. it's a common thing that teenagers do now to deal with depression!. i agree with you!. i just hate the way how people assume that everyone who cuts is emo!. emo stands for emotionalWww@Answer-Health@Com

I think cutting is a coping mechanism!. I have cut myself once, but have burned myself with cigarettes many, many times!. Self-harm is very serious!. When I did it it was because I was in so much emotional pain and it felt good, it distracted me from the emotional pain!. And at times I did it to punish myself!. That I deserved to be hurt for the way I felt inside!.
It is a sign of underlying emotional issues and people who do it need to seek help!. You may not be intent on killing yourself, but one day you could cut do deep and do just that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've never cut myself, but I have been depressed many times before!. I don't believe they do it for attention, especially since most of them are ashamed and try to hide it!.!.!.It is, in a way, a call for attention, but I do that to without wanting people to actually know I'm troubled!.!.!.It's confusing!.!.!.

I also really dislike it when people say ignorant things like "stop being Emo!," or "you're just seeking attention!." So annoying!.!.!.They don't understand!. Like I said, I've never cut, but I think I kind of get why people would!.!.!.It's to release the pressure and make you feel more in control of your life!.!.!.

People who cut often do have a mental problem, like depression, obviously!.!.!.People who cut should also try to seek out help, even though I know that's very hard!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You know the great thing about Y/A is it's a great vehicle to actually help people dealing with issues, I'm not going to lie when I type in questions & I get great responses it actually does make me feel very good & it is therapeutic!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.so in a nut shell I absolutely agree with you!!

You should never judge someone on the issue!! that's why there expressing their problems & frustrations to actually get some words of encouragement let me tell you!.!.!.words are very powerful you don't know who your saving at the end of the day!!

That's why when I see questions that pertain to suicide it really disgust & gets me heated when I see some comments of a couple of assholees egging that person on!! and the line they love to use is

(well you shouldn't ask!!) that's not the point the point is that person needs help whether they want attention or not you should take all comments seriously because it's not a game if you want to play games there's other mediums on this particular siteWww@Answer-Health@Com

i drink my own blood sometimes when i get a cut, and i love it!.!. to the point where i've wanted to deliberately cut myself just to taste it, and i'm always looking forward to the next time i'll accidentally cut myself shaving or what not!.
sure, this isn't cutting and is in that respect, unrelated to your question!.
but i wanted to let you realize that there are people who do more "screwed up" things than you!. at least cutting is common, compared to what i enjoy!.
however, i do want to point out that you tell us to stop judging you, yet you seem to judge cutters/self-mutilators yourself!. depression and stress are not the only reasons people do these things, and to say that is to stereotype!. although i have never deliberately cut myself, i would consider the solace i feel from being cut and the high of drinking blood to be my own form of self-mutilation, since i continually take pleasure in something that i realize is in no way mentally or physically healthy!. and to me it is not about depression, or stress relief, it's the rush!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The main reason: a lot of research has shown that cutting often leads to suicidal behavior!. Think of it as a gateway drug!. Not everyone who smokes weed will end up doing heroin, but a large proportion of them started did!.

Also, cutting, if done improperly even just one time, can lead to death or at least serious injury!.

Some people may judge others that cut, but my primary concern (being that I am in the mental health field) is the health of the people who do it!. How can we help them deal with the pain that must be so great it causes them to mutilate themselves!? What can we do to keep the cutting from escalating to even more harmful behavior!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok im a doctor so ill try to explain why cutting is bad!.!. thee are healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms!.!. the healthy ones help you deal with stress and emotional distress so that you cope with it and move on!.!. then there are unhealthy ones which usually are easy to do, cuase harm in them selves and prevent you dealing with the actual underlying problem!.!. so most cutters ( and i know nothing of your specific problems) are cutting becuase they have emotional or mental health problems or have been abuse din the past!.!.like drinking or using drugs the cutting helps them get through the emotional hurt and shame and angst!.!.they inflict phsycial pain so they dont have to cope with the scarring emotional pain!.!.which is human nature!.!.why wouldnt u do something if it stopped u getting worse!.!. well!.!. the problem is its harmful as your cutting!. but its also worse as its not helping the underlying problem!.!. and you have the added shame and guilt of the self harm!.!. having to hide that and why you do it from loved ones and family!.!.
just my 2 cents worthWww@Answer-Health@Com

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