The lonliness if feeling you're losing your mind?!

Question: The lonliness if feeling you're losing your mind!?
I have this fear!. I believe I'm losing my mind!. All tests have attested to the exact opposite!. No psychiatrist thinks that I have any other disorder other than OCD and health related anxiety!. I've had blood work done, a brain CT and numerous in-house assessments of my symptoms at my doctor's office!. No one thinks there is anything WRONG with me!!! The thing is!.!.!.I don't even know if I care anymore!. Does anyone else ever feel like they care so much, but at the same time not at all!? My will to live is strong and I'd never do anything to harm myself, but these thoughts are so isolating and frightening to me!. I'm now wondering if I've got dyscoid lupus like my mom and since the weather is getting colder in California my skin is dry and itchy with red patches which I'm assuming are the classic lupus rashes!.!.!.!.It's not really having the lupus the bothers me though, it's my thinking the lupus has turned systemic and is attacking my brain and that explains my feelings of severe detachment and depersonalization!. I don't even know if I'm explaining myself in the way I want, which is frustrating in itself!. I see my family and I know they're my family, but when I look at them it just feels different now!. I feel far away, almost like they're strangers who I happen to know everything about!. I miss them!. Does this make any sense!? I don't ******* fear death anymore, I fear life!. I fear losing people and my ability to perceive the things around me in a sane manner!. I don't think clearly and wonder if I ever will!. I'm terrified, if that's what you want to call it because quite honestly, I'm not too sure I even know how I feel anymore!.!.!.but I'm terrified that I've already lost my mind!. Where have I gone!? I want nothing more than to walk outside tomorrow morning and take a deep breath of October air and thank God that I'm alive!. I want to pick my son up in my arms and smell his hair and FEEL the immense love I know I bestow for him somewhere deep in myself!. I want to care about stupid things like high gas prices and the blowout sale at the shoe pavilion!. I want to LIVE again!. I want to be able to care about things the way I want and the way I should!. I want to not feel so damn selfish all the time and to help other people without constantly thinking of myself!. I want God in my life again!. I want to be carefree like I used to be and have a couple beers without thinking it's the end of the freakin' world!!! I want to smoke a fattie and not hyperventilate!. Wow, I sure have a lot of desires!. Maybe I should just stop whining, just not having a very good time right now!. Thanks!.


Hey i have subscribed to you in yahoo answers!.i can understand how you feel!.all those who answered you were right!.its all because of LONELINESS!.You may think that you have a family,friends and parents,but still you feel lonely coz you may not be open in ur relationship with them!.You experience depression because you dont even know where is the root of problem!.Hence you attribute the reasons to some factors in a guess (like you suspected cockroach entering your head)!.even sometimes you loose belief in god,feeling lonely,always mood out,but dont know why,always thinking about yourself!.!.so that sometimes even you loose friends because of that!.!.!.!.!.i can understand your grief!.!.!.because i experienced the same!.After seeing your question and the answers i realise now that i hav suffered from lonliness!.You have shown me the light in my life!.but i am still feeling socially awkward and i am battling with it ,anyway i try to control my mind!.here after i will try to communicate freely with my friends!.if you dont mind feel free to share your feelings with me!.!.!.!.!.!.

u just need some company or something to get u busy for a while i had the same thing these r the symptoms of lonliness nothing more !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are so many fors and against living alone!.
Certainly you can do as you wish, when you wish!. Yet sharing enjoyment with others in my opinion, is so much more rewarding!.You certainly can stay up to all hours watching television and so forth!. yet we all eventually will get bored with our own company!.

What many fail to see is we all nee to interact with others sooner or later or else our communication skills take a major decline and our way of thinking stays dormant!.Without mental stimulation our minds go blank!. It has been proved that hermits become very morose after a time with simply their own company!.It has also been stated by professionals that the loner has a shorter life!. Now this is seen as due to the brain being far too idle!. Thus energy levels decline and so does the adrenalin levels within us!.
I don

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