Does someone who wants to or attempts suicide automatically get a mental disorde!

Question: Does someone who wants to or attempts suicide automatically get a mental disorder diagnosis!?
if so, what!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It depends on what they did!. But anyone who committs suicide is having some mental troubles!.

I heard of a girl attempted or committed suicide b/c she was having boyfriend problems!. She apparently lacked self esteem!. That's a serious mental problem if it caused her to attempt or committ suicideWww@Answer-Health@Com

Probably!. It could be just as basic as depression

But it's a human's natural response to save their lives!. You run from fire, jump out of the road when a car comes!. That sort of thing!. So when someone wants to end their life there is usually something messed up with the brain and seretonin levels!. Which often time requires a few medications to balance the levels!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They will evaluate you, people esspecially now are getting more and more suicidal and having problems due to economy!. There are lots of things however that if you get diagnosed with something they can name you with, they'll just have to ask questions!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Probably some form of depression!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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