Heroin addiction????????????????!

Question: Heroin addiction!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
My brother came to me sat 3 days ago!. He's going cold turkey!. He had a habit of 36 bags a day sniffing!. Prior to coming in 3 weeks he knocked it down to 7!. Sunday was rough he was in the bed not sleeping but throwing up and in so much pain I cant describe!. Monday night was the first time he got out of the bed able to talk a little and even tried to shower!. He's 200% better at this hr!. Still hasn't eaten or drunk hardly anything!. His life he put yet again in my hands!. What should I do or look out for is it almost over!? Please advise!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stay close to him and maybe see if he can keep some food down!. Maybe some soup or just broth and crackers!. Make sure he has plenty of liquids!. Give him some ice chips to suck on!.!. If he gets to dehydrated he may need to go to the hospital!.

He seems to have gone through the hardest part!.It should get easier from here!. If it seems to be to much for you get him to a hospital!. Just know that your a wonderful brother and without you he would more then likely not have made it this far!.

Next get him into some therapy!. He needs some other support as this is to much for one person to handle!.

I myself am in my last part of my recovery!. To keep me on that right track I have educated myself on addiction and see a therapist once a week!. I also would advise him to be checked out by a doctor!.

Just check on him through out the night!. Most important you need to get some rest and take care of yourself!. A lot of times people who help a loved ones forget about there own well being!. If your a mess your no good to him!. Plus you deserve a break, if possible get some one to take over for a while so you can clear your head and it always helps to have the support!.

Take care and don't give up!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I cold turkeyed heroin myself!. I use to smoke it!. I went threw ten days of hell mainly because I could not sleep and no sleep aid would put me to sleep!. I was going delirious from sleep deposition!. Someone did give me a hit and it help my pain and did not make me restart!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.So if your really hurting I would recommend only a touch of dope once or twice to help ease the pain and no more!. I made it!. I know you can too!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

When a close of friend of mine got clean he couldnt walk for 30 days, literally went to the bathroom in his bedsheets!. it is one of the hardest things to ever go through cold turkey!. It took him 3 months to finally start feeling like himself again!. Stay strong, be patient, it will take much time!. Good luck!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do your best to help him through it!. He needs you more than ever right now!. If you can't handle it anymore Your more important to you! take care of yourself first!. Don't wait until you've ruined your life as well to let him fall on his ***!. It's the only way sometimes!. I know this is One of the most difficult things to deal with in these times, litrally!. Best of luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

He is going through classic Withdrawl symptoms!. He needs to get all the drugs out of his system!. It is good that he has a good support system (you)!. Be there for him and keep him AWAY from his old friends that use drugs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

honestly you both should probably go in to see a doctor!.!.!. they have drugs that with help with the withdraws and can provide resources to help prevent relapseWww@Answer-Health@Com

maybe go to a doctor
just to make sure everything is going okay with him!.

good luck!

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