Is Bi-Polar Disorder curable?!

Question: Is Bi-Polar Disorder curable!?
I've been diagnosed with itWww@Answer-Health@Com

The exact causes of bipolar disorder are unknown!. While genetic vulnerability and life stress are involved in triggering it, experts believe that an underlying imbalance of brain chemicals produces the symptoms!. When levels of these chemicals are too high, mania occurs!. When levels are low, there is depression!.

This biological understanding of the disorder has opened doors for targeted treatments!.

The best treatment for bipolar disorder is a combination of medication and counseling, although electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is often successful for people who don't respond to traditional therapy or who can't take the medications!.

Doctors often treat the mania symptoms associated with bipolar disorder with one set of drugs, and use other drugs to treat depression!. Certain drugs are also used for "maintenance" -- to maintain a steady mood over time!. Antidepressants are usually not used alone because they may cause manic attacks in depressed patients!.

Most people respond well to medications for bipolar disorder!. For many others, the symptoms do not completely disappear despite therapy!. The moods may become less intense and more manageable, however!.

Remember, getting your diagnosis should come as a relief!. Now you know what the problem has been and you're on the road to getting the right treatment for bipolar disorder!.


Bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depressive illness) is not curable but it can be treated so that you can live a healthy, happy life!.

There are 6 main treatments, (all described further in the link below):

1!. Bipolar medications, especially mood stabilizing drugs such as lithium and Depakote!.!.

2!. Talk therapies!.

3!. ECT: Electroconvulsive/Electroshock Therapy

4!. Diet and nutrition!.

5!. Alternative treatments!.

6!. Treatment centers!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't think bi-polar disorder is curable!. There medicine that you can take to help you, but you will never be 100% cured!.

!.!.!.There are lots of people I know that have this, but they can lead normal, happy, and healthy lives!.

I wish you all the best!Www@Answer-Health@Com

My youngest son was diagnosed almost 2 years ago!. It is not curable nor is it life threatening!. It is controlled with medication!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Define "cure"!.

BPD is a constellation of behaviors!.

Would doing something else - a different constellation of behaviors a "cure"!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

no but it is manageableWww@Answer-Health@Com

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