How do i fall asleep fast? without medicine?!

Question: How do i fall asleep fast!? without medicine!?
i am a HORRIBLE sleeper!. i only get like 4 hours of sleep each night, so then i can't get up for school in the morning!. i really need away to fall asleep fast! thanks!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have a sleeping issue as well so I honestly feel your pain!. A few things that work for me are:

1!. Taking a bath before bed!. Preferably with lavender bath salts from Bath and Body works!.
2!. Try spraying a small amount of Aromatherapy mist (from Bath and Body works) on your pillow and sheets!.
3!. Turn on a fan, or listen to soothing sounds!.

The products listed above are available at more places than the store I listed!. I am going on personal preference!.

Before bed try to think happy thoughts and let your body relax!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I do this when tons of thoughts creeping in my head and prevent me from going to sleep!.

Lay on your back and breath slowly, try to relax as much as you can and concentrate on steady breathing!.

Feel your legs get heavier and heavier!. Then you hands!. Feel every muscle in your body heavy and relaxed!.

At this moment, even if your mind is clear, your body is so relaxed, you bound to fall asleep!.
Lavender sachet or mist definitely may help too!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat something rich in carbohydrates for dinner, like potatoes or pancakes with a little bit of protein so you don't get hungry quickly!. Either that or have a carbohydrate-rich snack, like popcorn!. However, don't eat too much so you don't feel too full to sleep!. Carbs help you feel sleepy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try exercising!. get a really good workout where you get super tired during the day, but do not take a nap!. when night time rolls around, you will probably be tired from all the exercise during the day, that you'll fall asleep pretty fast!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take a hot shower, drink some warm milk, read a book!. I read somewhere if your body temperature changes it makes you drowsy!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

cut back on caffeine and sugar by 1 p!.m!. and get some exercise!. try to go to bed and get up at the same time 7 days a week!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hit your head against a wall really hard!.!.!.!.jk im a horrible sleeper too but watching tv is the best way for me to fall asleep, reading is too i just hate reading =PWww@Answer-Health@Com

Reading always makes me sleepyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Don't take a hot shower or bath because it will make you become more awake!
Just watch t!.v!. or read a book/magazine!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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