Feel so gross because of a binge!

Question: Feel so gross because of a binge
i know this sounds stupid and you'll probably laugh

but i have been doing really well losing weight
but now i have binged way beyong the recommondation
i'm scared i'm going to gain lots, i feel sick and i want to get rid of it, but people are around!.

i have no one to talk to and i think i've gained all ready, my hips and belly have grown :(

help please!.!. what do i do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Relax!. You didnt gain because of one binge!. You are probably bloated- and feel huge!. The reason you had this binge is because you probably haven't been eating enough!. It makes you want to eat more!. If you need someone to talk to!.!. aim me at scamprages93 or email me love_buzz_junkie1983@yahoo!.com!. I have been dealing with hardcore food issues for awhile!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't be sick! thats the worst thing you can do, just eat less tomorrow!. You say you've been doing really well losing weight, one day wont change all that hard work it probably wont make much difference, also dont weigh yourself to see if youve gained weight cos that will just make you feel bad, if you eat less again in the next couple of days it will balance out =]

dont beat yourself up about it, good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just live with it!. It is all in your head that u think u gained weight already!. Food takes a while to digest!. There is no way that if u eat 1 lb!. of food, that u will gain anything close to that 1 lb!. Your body will not absorb all the food u eat!. Some of it will be burnt for energy, some of it will be pooped out, some of the protein will be used to rebuild muscle, and u will absorb a lil bit of fat!. Just let it go, binging ***once in a while*** is not bad at all!. It gets your metabolism going faster since your body isn't used to taking in so much food!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dude you need to calm down cuz that causes a sertatonin (sp) rush and than you get stressed out than your body holds on to fat! and if it was only once dont worry about it because it actually is good for yo to do that on a diet every once in a while, because it causes your body to have to boost it metabolism a little to burn off the excess calories, so when you arent eating the extra cals, its still burning a little quicker for you, so its actually not a bad thing, dont worry about it youll be fine, i have done the same thing and just wanted to puke, but truth is, you already put the sugar/ sodium, ect in your body so some of its already gotten into your blood stream , so forget about it, its water under the bridge, youll probably have to take it to the bathroom soon cuz you might have more bowel movements cuz you ate more!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

first off do not make yourself puke, that is ridiculous and will lead you on a fast track to an eating disorder that can make your hair and teeth fall out, give you problems with your esophagus and can even cause heart trouble and death!. bulimia isn't a pretty disease!. If you had one bad binge then dont get discouraged, and dont let it be your excuse to fall off the band wagon!. Just go back to your normal dieting and exersising routine!.

And do not push yourself too hard to quickly loose that extra couple pounds, doing that can result in your body going into starvation mode in which it'll slow your motabolisum way down and make you even more hungry!. Just be sensibleWww@Answer-Health@Com

Let's find the source!.
Ask yourself, why did you binge!?
Is it because!.!.!.

1)you've reduced your caloric intake to such a low level, that your body rebounded!?
If yes, increase caloric intake!. Lose weight the healthy way!. It takes time!. You need to decrease caloric intake and combine exercise!.

2)you did it because of emotion!? ie!. stress, sad, angry, depressed

Find the source of your binge, find healthier ways to deal with the cause!.

Keep a food diary to see how much you're eating and why you eat!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

well if it helps i think that if you feel like you need to lose weight in order to amke yourself feel beautiful than you already are!. i feel like i have to go to teh extreme in order t ofeel like i have to be seen as more than who i amWww@Answer-Health@Com

don't purge!. that is the worst thing you can do!. drink plenty of water, eat healthy, cut what you normally eat in half or just take your time when you eat so that you can recognize when you are full, and exercise Www@Answer-Health@Com

although the truth isn't always the best thing to hear!.!.!. but here it goes!.!.!. if you do indeed puke u will probably weigh less the next day!.However if you don't puke it right away!.!.!.its pointless!. Just diet the next day and the results should be the same!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

How old are you!? If you're like teen years then i say don't worry but if you're actually overweight try excercising or joining a club!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your hips have grown after one binge!?

dont be silly

just forget it and dont binge againWww@Answer-Health@Com

heyy i just added you!. do you have msn cos i think id give better advice over that!.!.



dont throw up!. better to work out, go for a runWww@Answer-Health@Com

I am not going to tell you, you are wrong and that you thinking that you have already gained weight is all in your head, because chances are, your hips and belly probably have grown and you probably weigh more, but that is because you are bloated!. On a more positive note, by tomorrow, after a good nights sleep, your weight should be back to normal!. Everyone, including me, gets bloated after they have eaten a lot!. It is normal - and unavoidable!. By getting rid of it, i assume you mean purposely making yourself throw up ( purging ) I am not going to list all the reasons why you should not do this because i am sure you already know all there is to know about it, including the health risks and long term damage it can do to your body, but i am going to advise you against it!. If you feel that guilty and repulsed by your " beyond recommendation " binge, then exercise!. Did you know exercise is also meant to boost your spirits, consequently making you feel happier !? I wonder if there is any truth i that!. !. !.
Anyway, back to your binge!. Binging is bad, but only if you do it on a regular basis, every now and then is not going to do you any harm!. You said that you have been doing really well losing weight, so do not let this binge bring you down and set you back, keep up the good work!. Determination is the key to sucess!. Actually, i am not sure if i should have said that to you!. How tall are you !? And how much do you weigh !? My little sister talks like you, and she is very underweight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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