Any help? self confidence?!

Question: Any help!? self confidence!?
Any help on self confidence!?
I have really really low self a steam I try so hard not to let people see, and I think it works!. but I'm dieing inside,I walk tall and do everything i can to try and lower it but nothing is working any help!?
please Www@Answer-Health@Com

hi there!
i am ready to be the first to answer you! I also have somewhat of low self-esteem!. I am shy and quiet around people i dont know, but sometimes i also do what you do, act confident and walk tall, but i agree, it never really helps!. But i have learned that the first rule is to start loving yourself and your life!. Then you need to look past all of your faults and put any bad memories of the past behind you!. I mean i have had bad experiences but i try to forget them!. So accept yourself and believe that you are just as good as everyone else, and i will not let anyone try to make me feel down!. Then make small goals fo yourself to boost your confidence!. Like holding the door for that person, or asking for directions, or i am going to act like i am the best thing alive today! Stuff like that!. And once you do that, just relax and do what YOU want to do! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get involved in activities and meet people you have something in common with! I was like you, but my first job (as a lifeguard) gave me responsibility and people looked up to me!. It definitely helped, and I'm more confident than ever!

If you try this and you're still depressed, definitely go see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

be more confident, it would help if we knew why you had low self esteem, but don't think about what others think!. love yourself, you are beautiful!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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