How to say to people I don't want to live but I know that I can't commit!

Question: How to say to people I don't want to live but I know that I can't commit suicide!?
I have been raped by 3 different men!. by a neighbor, by a teacher, and a cousolor!. When I was five I seen my mom try to commit suicide 5 times in a six month period!. I washed my grandma die of cancer and I'm only 17 years old!. I have PTSD, bipolar, and ADHD!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey there, i just made an account to answer this since its clearly an important and potentially life altering choice you have ahead of you!. I cant say i know how you feel, i was raped as well at age 13, but to have that violation happen more than once, well im not sure how you couldn't be wanting to make it all stop!. on top of that you have other issues that are out of your control, i imagine it feels like pretty much everything is out of your control!. but its not!. you have control over how you handle the situation from here on out!.
my answer was to cut myself for seven years praying someone would notice, and when they finally did i had no answer for why i'd done it other than i needed someone to save me!. what i wish id known then is that you tell people that you need help, that you dont want to go on, that you have lost the will to fight exactly like you said in your question!. 'i dont want to live, but i know i cant kill myself!.' that is quite clear!. the problem is, who to tell!.
i would avoid professionals like councilors especially considering your history with them!. even i found that they were generally too concerned with covering their legal asses should you decide one day to kick the bucket, kind alike being interrogated daily for you own murder!.!. i felt like they were waiting for me to slip up every time i went to talk to one of them - how are you today!? is a question that no person in the situation you describe wants to hear!. (awful of course you idiot is the acceptable response in my opinion!.) at any rate, i found some comfort in talking to my mother about it, but a trusted friend or family member, someone who you know would never betray you is your best bet!. they may need to be sat down and explained what you need from them (sympathy, just a shoulder to cry on, guidance, whatever)!. i did this with my mum and despite the fact that she was very uncomfortable at first (and so was I) talking to her opened the lanes of communication and it allowed me later on to explain myself better to therapists and doctors!. you defiantly should be seeing a doctor for medication with regard to the adhd etc, but there may also be anti depressants that work to combat feeling of hopelessness (although honestly i never found them to be helpful in the long term)!.
i can only tell you what i discovered and that was that i couldn't start feeling better until i started to admit how bad it really had gotten!. if you aren't happy with that sentiment that its time to take stock of what you have, of what you refuse to lose!. the things in your life that are yours alone and no one elses!. those men took a very important part of you theres no point denying it, im sure your trust mechanism is shot to hell, so you need to ask yourself some tough questions!. are you ready to get better!? are you ready to accept help!? are you ready to trust in the people you've asked to help you!? are you ready to trust yourself!. there is nothing anyone else can do or say that will flick that switch for ya, its going to seem like a long and pointless road full of countless fallbacks!. funnily enough i think this is the case no matter whats happened to you in the past!. life eventually becomes an uphill strugle, granted 17 is a little early to feel the effects of that, but believe me it will make you stronger in the end!. you just have to make a promise to yourself, dont let those men own you, dont let them bring you down, and certainly dont let them take your life from you!. i wish i had allowed myself to let go of guilt and blame for what happened to me, but i didn't!. i swear to god nothing thats happened to you is fair or right, or in any way your fault!. if you think youre starting to see a pattern, or that these horrible things have happened to you for any reason other that the sickness in those men's minds, you are wrong!. i hope you have someone you trust who you can start having candid conversations with, if not a rap councelling center may have the resources you need!. i found talking to other women with similar histories was incredibly stabilizing and comforting!. you are not alone, you are not crazy, and you are not deserving of the things that happened to you!.
i hope you can find someone to help you because you shouldnt have to do this alone, having someone on your team will do wonders even if you feel like telling someone is an awful idea, once you start talking youll feel the difference!.
check out this link http://centers!.rainn!.org/ for rape crisis centers and information, and dont give up on yourself!. those men dont deserve to take your life as well as your innocence!.!.!. they deserve castration but thats just me talking!. i hope i was in someway helpful!.
you can do it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi stephanie, I am bipolar too, I have lost my mother, sister, grandma and grandpa!. I have friends who have also been rapped!. !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Lets forget about the past, if you think about it you are going to be stuck crying and suffering about it!. You need to live for the present!.
People with bipolar do feel like they dont want to live, but dotn want to commit suicide, so do I feel like this!. However, tell yourself, that you feel this way because its part of your disorder!. Try your best to get to know as much as you can your disorder and focus on healing yourself!.
Make a journal!. love and care for yourself, go and exericse, spend time with children, watch a comedy, and remember that the bad times will past!.
For instance I know that in my life now I am suffering, but I know this will change, because in life their is a season for everything, and their is a time for everything, sometimes their is a time to be crying and a time to laugh, just remember that this too will past, and one day youll be somewhere on the beach, watching a beautiful sunset and these are the moments that take over the bad ones!.
Remember that you are not alone, and remember that you need to stay positive, knowing in your heart, that things will get better, dont give up and have faith that things will get better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It would be difficult to explain this to people who have not gone through the horrendous experiences that you have, because they will see it as a contradiction!.
What I would suggest is that you seek medical help from a psychiatrist, although I understand that this could be difficult for you, as you say that you've been sexually abused by a counselor in the past!.

Another option could be for you to join group therapy instead!. There'll be more people there, and it would you may feel less pressure!. It would also mean that there is almost no chance that you would be sexually abused, and you would find others that are in the same boat as you - fellow sufferers!. You will also find more support from people that know 'know what it feels like' in group therapy!.

If you're a Christian, or indeed any other faith, it may help you to go to a group at your local church or something!. Having faith in something higher that ourselves, such as God, would hopefully make you feel better about yourself, offering you support, and would teach you that your life has meaning, and that your life is so very important!. This would hopefully lead to you valuing your life more!.

There is only one of you, and you cannot be replaced!. Your family, and friends, and all your loved ones love you, and want you to love yourself desperately!. Learn to love yourself, and your life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to say something (or show this message) to someone right now!. WHERE ARE YOU!? I am not a particularly religious person and have my own set of mental health issues, but when I get to the point where you are, I contact Chaplain Smith!. He's a hospital chaplain in my town!. He's been there for me even if they chose to hospitalize me!. I hope you can find your very own Chaplain Smith and SOON!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wow uve had a hard life, i cant give u much advice, u should try going to a woman councillor or something!. i feel the same sometimes and i know its hard but i dont have any answers!. u should go to http://www!.bpbabble!.com its for people with bipolar and they're all really helpful and friendly they're!. it really helps, i promise!!!!
hope things get better for u soon!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i dont know what you could realy say maybe" i sick and tied of live i just what to be dead but i dont what to kill my self"!.
i think you need help you had a bad 17 yearsWww@Answer-Health@Com

you need to see your GP and ask for a refferal to a therapist and quick, email me if you wish to just chat and offloadWww@Answer-Health@Com

See a therapist IMMEDIATELY! You've gone through more trauma in 17 years than most people do in 70!. You have a heap of problems, but they can be treated through therapy!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dont say that!! dont commit suicide!! have you tried a shrink!?!? move somewhere else cause it sounds like you live in a bad neighborhood!! keep holding on life will get better!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok!. Life Does Not Look So Good Right Now!. I wish I could help!.

God Bless

first of all i think someone should smack the other poster there!.!. that is so friggen insensitive and some people actually come on here to get support not to listen to someone randomly post for some lousy 2 points that they have no clue what to say!.!. ridiculous!.

On your situation!.!. every one goes through really horrible situations in their life!. I have had my share as well that are very similar to yours!. (i dont want to go into details because i dont want to take away from your situation AT ALL) I know sometimes life can feel like it can not get any worse!. I know how it feels to go to bed wishing that God will take you because you aren't strong enough to do it yourself!.

But I also know that things can always get better!. you have to wake up and tell yourself that they are going to get better!. that you are done with the bad things in your life!. and you need to be strong for yourself!. You can't worry about all the bad things that happened in your life!. You need to make a plan for the best and what you want out of life and do everything in the world you can to get it!. I know you have been through some terrible things that other people don't have to go through, but it is my firm belief that that builds character!.

Just because you have the thought of committing suicide doesn't take anything away from the strength you must have that carried you through these horrible things!. You are a very strong and admirable person! You need to see in yourself those things!. I know all about your disorders!. and I know they are hard!. It is hard for people to understand them!. but some people do!. One day you will find someone who will love you with their whole heart and do everything in the world to help you, whether it be a friend or a boyfriend or someone you just meet!. You are young!. You need to let go of all of those things and tell urself that things are going to be better from now on!. Make a pact with yourself about going to school and trying your hardest, about not thinking those bad things anymore!. You have a lot to live for that you don't even realize!. Learn to live and trust and make the best out of life!. I am so sorry that you have gone through what you have!.

If you really need to talk to some one try the school counselor, or a really good friend, find a therapist willing to work with you for little money, or just confide in people on here like you have!. You can tell the person that you decide to trust just the way you told us on here!.

I hope everything goes well for you!. And remember when you think things are as bad as they can possibly get, the only thing they can do, is get better!. You have your whole life ahead of you!. Have fun!. And take care of yourself if no one else is willing!. You don't NEED anyone but yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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