Side effects for fluxotine (prozac)?!

Question: Side effects for fluxotine (prozac)!?
My doctor prescribed fluxotine 20mlg (5 mls) a day, for 4 weeks, I had my first dose yesterday and felt really anxious and i was shaking, this lasted for a few hours then I had a really bad headache!. I woke up this morning with a really dry mouth!. How can I keep my mouth relitively moist as it is making me feel nauseus!?
Also, is that the worst of the side effects or can new ones come later!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm taking fluoxetine too, started about a month ago!. I didn't really notice any helpful changes for about a week and a half!. Up until that time I was getting bad headaches, too, but since then they started to fade away!. I don't get them as often and they're milder if I do get them!.
And if your mouth is dry - just keep drinking water!. That's no biggy!.
The only time I got really anxious, shaky, and nauseus is when I accidently overdosed on it!. A few hours later I got really tired, felt like I was gonna puke, and was shaking!. It eventually passed!.
Another symptom for me is that it seems like not only have I lost the ability to be sad - but I can't feel anything else, either!. Like being a robot!. No happiness, sadness, nervousness - just!.!.!. dull and grey!. And it doesn't seem like there's anything wrong with it!. You're just sort've OK with everything!.
Also - I've forgotten to take it a few days in a row and completely went psycho!. I flipped out and got extremely pissed off, and it took me a couple days to get back to "normal"!.
If you don't like prozac there's plenty of other types of medicine that differ slightly in their side effects!. Talk to your doctor about it, he might tell you to just hold your own for a few weeks until you get used to it, or maybe put you on something else!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


It takes prozac a while to get into your system and at that low dose I would be surprised if the side effects you were feeling are from the tablets, it may have been general anxiety around taking the medication itself!. However i am sure it is still possible!. Side effects usually only lasy about two weeks!. Most people report headaches, nausea, dizziness, tiredness and i myself had these symptoms!. The Dry mouth aspect seems to be common with most antidepressants, unfortunately it may not go away whilst your taking the tablets but you will become used to it and it won't be that noticable, just keep taking in plenty of fluids!.
the side effects shouldn't get much more than this and should subside once your body is used to the new chemicals!. however if you start actually vomitting from the nausea or you are unable to cope with the side effects do consult your gp but don't stop taking the medication without doing this!.
best of luck

Side effects are always possible but the shaking and anxiety are common initially but tend to disappear after a few days!. The link below should answer most of your questions the section referring to you is SSRI's!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

they should go away in a few days!. if they don't then u may have to try another medication!. if u gain a lot of weight from the medication would try another one!. also, sexual side effects arre common with these medications!. if prozac isn't good there are medications with less side effects than prozac like lexapro, prozac or wellbutruin!. if u want to talk more i'm online on aim or yahoo messenger and my screename is TheBTPYoda!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, meds have always side effects but you have to understand that they're very personal, so you can get an idea of them reading the piece of paper inside the box but keep in mind that it's only indicative!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Im on Fluxotine to!
i didnt hve any side effects but there should be a long bit of paper inside the box telling u of all the side effects
see your GP if symptoms get any worse and if they participate! they may give u a lower dosage to releive your side effects!.!.

good luck

My mom was on it for a while!. She hated it!.
She gained A LOT of weight!.
Lost interest in everything
Felt numb [not physically but emotionally!. Void from any emotions]Www@Answer-Health@Com

inside the tablet box is a piece of paper telling you all about the drug and side effects!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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