What are the symptoms of sex addiction?!

Question: What are the symptoms of sex addiction!?
My friend (she's 26 years old) cheats on her boyfriend a lot and she always feels bad about it after!. She seems to really love him but if she's out without him she has too many drinks and becomes this totally different person!. Is she an alchoholic!? a sex addict!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think the main factor in identifying an any addiction is if the behavior is affecting your daily life!. According to SAA (Sexual Addicts Anonymous), "The essence of all addiction is the addicts' experience of powerlessness over a compulsive behavior, resulting in their lives becoming unmanageable!. The addict is out of control and experiences tremendous shame, pain and self-loathing!. The addict may wish to stop --- yet repeatedly fails to do so!. The unmanageability of addicts' lives can be seen in the consequences they suffer: losing relationships, difficulties with work, arrests, financial troubles, a loss of interest in things not sexual, low self-esteem and despair!. "

It sounds like your friend needs help and its wonderful that you helping her out!.

Good luck!.

You can also find a lot more info!. at www!.sexaa!.orgWww@Answer-Health@Com

Addiction can be defined as repeated compulsive behavior that has increased over time and continued despite of negative consequences!.!.!.People with a sex addiction mostly do it because they cannot love themselves and they find the acceptance, affection and attention from the stranger or whatever for that time (half hour!?!?) and usually the person discards them like a used tissue once their use if fulfilled thus compound the emptiness inside!.!.!.she needs to love herself before she can love another, plus all the people she can hurt with her promiscuous ways!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sex addiction is an excuse!. There is no such thing as addiction to sex, it's an excuse for people who can't control themselves!. Your friend lacks self control, and the alcohol brings out her inhibitions and shows her for the whore she is!. She needs to stop drinking and discontinue this promiscuous sexual activity!. It's childish and stupid, and if she loved this guy she wouldn't do this to him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its Called AA
Acholics and AnoyomusWww@Answer-Health@Com

Good one Sarah!Www@Answer-Health@Com

She is what u call a SLUT she needs to grow upWww@Answer-Health@Com

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