Advice please.....?!

Question: Advice please!.!.!.!.!.!?
My friend who is in a very abusive relationship is getting further and further in the hole!. Her family and I have tried talking to her many time about her abusive boyfriend but she doesn't listen, changes the subject or defends him!. He is a ticking time bomb and will hurt or kill someone someday!. He is comparble to Scott Peterson and someone who'd shake a baby!. He fits all the signs of being an abuser and physcopath!.

Were getting together with my friend again tonight to discuss somethings and her mom and I might bring up the boyfriend issue!.

She was just put on anti depressents and anti anxietys meds becuase he's gotten so bad to her, sher compleatly zones out and is a diffrent person when hes around!. Its obvious that she is unhappy with something but doesn't want to admit its him!. She just acts really weird sometimes and is always out of it and she does everything for him!.
This guy is SCARY!. I am soooo worried about my friend and our safty becuase we live together!.

you can only help if she lets you

she'll decide when it is enough

try to accept her (and her decisions) and love her because she is not getting that from himWww@Answer-Health@Com

by a counselorWww@Answer-Health@Com

Best advice!.!.go get an order out on him, before its too late lol!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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