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Question: Need help now Quick good answer!!?
I have aq speech class in 30min and i have very bad anxiety attacks on speaking in front of people i panic and then stop talking and i will get a grade on this but i need help on how to commo myself down please somebody helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

30 minutes is short notice, but I'll try!.

First, try to put yourself in a calm place before standing up in front of the group!. Meditate, do a visualization exercise (where you breathe deeply and picture yourself on a beach, for example), whatever works for you!. Do not focus on the grade!. Just focus on the fact that you need to share X amount of information with this group--most likely, you'll only be speaking for a few minutes!. It may seem like hours, but it will probably be less time than it takes to ride an elevator a couple of floors!.

When actually speaking, try focussing on the tops of heads rather than faces--this will give you the appearance of looking at your audience without the nerve-racking meeting of eyes :D

Above all, be honest with your teacher/ professor, before the speech if you get a chance, afterwards if not!. I promise you, s/he has seen this kind of panic before, and can probably offer a few other suggestions!. Good luck!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

If other people are also giving speeches, ask to go first!. Otherwise, you will sit there with your anxiety building up as you wait!. One thing people always told me was to imagine the audience in their underwear!. Also, just keep thinking that most people are so wrapped up in themselves, that they really aren't even paying attention to you, and just wish you'd hurry up and sit down!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Know your subject matter inside and out, reherse , reherse, reherse infront of a mirror, then infront of your parents!. Bad nerves when speaking in normal!. Your teacher know it is difficult, that's why you need to do it, practice it!. By the time you get to college will be speaking infront of 20-100 people!. Just take a deep breath, be cool, mistakes are ok, just keep going!.

Good luck!!!!

PS: If you make a mistake don't stop and say "sorry about that" or "I messed that up" or "Im no good at this" Just do it!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well hopefully you are over 21 (or you have access to getting liquor), because my idea is to have a shot or 2 of vodka!. It will relax you enough to fell comfortable standing in front of a group!. Also, don't look at the people!. Find a focal spot on the center back of the room you are in!. I used to be terrified to give speeches and almost wanted to puke!. Just learn to laugh at yourself, and remember the people are not there to judge you (even if they are)!. Try to feel like the audience is your friend and you are just hanging out with them!.
Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, you i'm guessing you will be pressenting in front of your class!. Which makes it a bit easier because those are the ppl you have known throughout the year!. Just get out there a forget that there a ppl watching you!. Just keep looking at your teacher when you speak!. Or look straight!.

Hope i helped!
Wish you all of the best!

Break a leg ;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just before you speak, take 5 deep breaths!. Breathe deeply and slow blow it out!. Also do this prior to going up to the front!.

Remind yourself that everyone is nervous, even if they do not look it!. Keep telling yourself that what you have to say is important!. And if anyone starts talking while you speak, ignore them!. Good luck!

Also, in the future!.!.!. practicing ahead of time helps nerves!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm the same way!.!.!.!.!.!.there is no real good way to calm yourself down!. Whenever I'm facing something I don't really want to do, I just try and think my way through it!. I tell myself "after this is done, it's done" and I try and think to after whatever it is that I'm going to be doing!.!.!.!.it's hard! But, I just had surgery a few weeks ago and I was terrified!.!.!.!.but I just kept thinking till after it was done and it got me through!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Breathe!. Breathe deeply!. Concentrate on your breathing for the next 30 minutes!.

When you do have to speak, try and pretend you are only talking to the teacher/evaluator!. Make eye contact with him/her!. Even if you lose marks for not looking at other people, it will centre you and make it feel less like a stage and more like a conversation!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1!.Get your notes in order, plan out what your going to speak about

2 Pick out one point in the audience to focus on, like the back wall

3!.The first thing you need to do when you get behind the podium is smile as wide as you can and get some laughs!.!.!.!.this will lighten everyone up!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hold your breath for like 15 seconds!. Then drink some water!. Don't keep reviewing your material, you'll only get more nervous!. Talk to some friends to help keep you calm!. Eat some gum or something!. Try to get a bit hyper, it will keep you ready!.

Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

think about this!. is anybody in there really going to pay attention!? who cares what they think!. they are probably worrying to much about themselves to worry about you!. why do you need to impress them!? if you dont need to it doesnt matter!. youll do great!. good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I once went to a bar and just had two drinks!.

I also once had a salad right before!. The salad helped better, because with the drinks I started sweating!.

I got an A on both, but I wouldn't want to risk it again!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ahhh, feel so sorry for you, i hate speaking in front of people!. Take deep breaths, try and forget everyone is there and imagine your just chatting to a close friend or family member!. best of luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Just remember, you are giving the speech!. For those 5 minutes you are speaking, you are the smartest person in the room!. Smile and show em whose boss :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Remember they have to do the same thing as you!.
Keep calm, several deep breaths!. Focus on a friend and let them know ahead of time!. Sometimes an encouraging smile is all it takes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

controll your breathing, i get them aswell, aslong as you know your in controll of your own lungs!!! take a deep breath and breath it alllllllllll out and smile everyone gets nervous!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Picture them in clown outfits they will feel ridiculous and you won'tWww@Answer-Health@Com

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