I think I have depression. Serious answers only please.?!

Question: I think I have depression!. Serious answers only please!.!?
I know this is going to sound stupid!. But I'm going to explain & I'd really really appreciate you're thoughts on who I should go to about this and maybe what could be wrong with me ok!.

For the last few months I've really not been myself!. I sleep as much as possible but somehow still feel tired all the time, I am pushing everyone I know away from me & my self esteem is in tatters!. I get days where I'm feeling so low I don't know what to do & feel like I can't cope!. None of my family & friends have really noticed this as I am not one to open up & often put on a brave face, infact latley all I feel like doing is locking myself in a room on my own and crying like crazy!. The only person who knows how I feel is a friend who i've known a long time & they've moved away so they can't speak face to face!. My family can not know about this as they arn't very understanding & I don't know who I can go to that will take me seriously!. I'm 18 & scared, sorry for going on!. xxxxxxxWww@Answer-Health@Com

Depression often instills a loss in interest in things you've used to love, weight changes, irritability, self-loathing, and sleeping disorders!. Sounds like you might have acute depression or full blown depression!. I suggest you talk to a doctor, counselor, or a teacher from school that you admire about getting professional help!. Don't let the idea of professional help scare you!. Depression can be deadly and dangerous if it goes out of control!. If you have suicidal thoughts, contact a doctor or a suicide hotline immediately!.

Strength be with you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try writing,it's a good step that you already know what you have,try treating yourself with either writing what you feel(you can burn it right afterwards,you will feel much better) or try and find some hobby
You should try to find what made you reach that state!.
Have more faith in your abilities!.
Don't think of medicines,they have side effects!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

See a therapist!. They know what question to ask you to help you figure out what is wrong!. I had lost my appetite and went to the Dr's and he told me I was depressed and put me on drugs that didn't really help at all!. I didn't really improve until I went to a therapist, and then I only went about 5 times and have managed ever since!. Its good to talk, you don't always need drugs but that is what drs do!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it sounds like you have depression!.!.!.but, what do you do now!? before you go on, know that i am a person who is bipolar and i currently go untreated!.!.!.ive been where you are!. it starts with that!.!.!.then i went to college and i started having panic attacks, blacking out, shortness of breath etc!. thats when i went on paxil!. paxil made me feel even worse!.!.!.and the withdrawal was horrible!.!.!.i dont recommend you go on any kind of anti depressant!. what i recommend you do is learn to control your mind!. yes, you have to some extent control over your situation!. the key is to stay positive as much as you can, ok!? enjoy little things about every day life!. the food you eat, the music you love, the beautiful sky, the beautiful grass, water etc!. live life to the fullest every day!. the fact that you are breathing and have a beautiful life ahead of you is amazing!. capture that!. realize that and hold onto it!. everyday, tell yourself what you are grateful for!. the food you have, the bed you have to sleep in, the friends and parents who love you, the beauty of art, music, nature etc!. appreciate your life!. get some hobbies to keep your mind off the depression!. dont let the feelings take over!.!.!.they arent you!.!.remember that!. they arent you!. theres no reason to feel like this, ok!? i hope i helped you!. please talk to people about this, and try as hard as you can to be positiveWww@Answer-Health@Com

You do sound VERY depressed!. Seek medical help if you feel that talking to your friends and family would be useless!. Your doctor might be able to refer you to a therapist and prescribe you something that will alleviate your pain!.

However I'd recommend that you try and hint your desperation to those closest to you first!. You might be surprised at how supportive they might be, and this alone might help you climb out of the dark pit you've found yourself in!. One of the greatest enemies of depression is sharing the burden ;)!Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey ,
i am no expert , but one thing i do know is depression has varying degrees and it affects so many people , i think we all have days when we feel low , or even weeks when things get us down , but i strongly believe that keeping your feelings bottled up , is no good for you , can you maybe go to your doctor ,!?!? for a chat, he/she will understand and listen to you ,if you feel your parents would not understand !?, but dont suffer alone , do talk to someone x hope you feel brighter very soonWww@Answer-Health@Com

i have felt like this before too
last summer, i spent most of my time locked in my room, sleeping till 2 pm and just coming down for dinner!.
i cant explain why i felt this way, but it was horrible, id cry for no reason
it may sound stupid, but don't underestimate your friends and family, sometimes they can really help!. just recently my friend was feeling down, she was feeling exactly the same way!. she called, and we just talked!. if i had known over the summer that she felt the same way, i would have talked to her sooner!.
if they don't seem to understand, get help, from a professional!.
try to do things that make you happy
remember, life is good :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

I went through the same thing two year ago when I was 18 as well!. It doesn't sound stupid at all, in fact depression is very serious and scary!. The first thing you should do is see a counselor at school (since your parents don't know and they aren't understanding) or go to a pyschiatrist!.
Eventually you need to tell your parents and talk to them so they understand the seriousness of the situation!. Your family needs to be there for you!.
I hope this helped you in some way!. If you want someone to talk to my email address is cforde87@gmail!.com!. Depression is something that noone should have to suffer through alone!.
Good luck and please take care of yourself hun!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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