What the hell is wrong with me? is this a disorder or insanity?!

Question: What the hell is wrong with me!? is this a disorder or insanity!?
Since 5th grade (I am in 11th grade now) I have had a very powerful imagination but the problem is it has become almost uncontrollable!. Since the 10th grade i have been unconsciously falling into deep & powerful day dreams that my body would (unawaringly to me) twitch or suddenly move in response to the stimulation in my head!. My imagination had me dreaming all types of different worlds & creating storylines!. The pro of this was evident in my school work; i was able to come up with intelligent answers & construct captivating essays!. Kids in my class have noticed the blank look on my face during lessons & the unusual body jerking!. Resulting in me being watched by a number of wary kids during classes & others calling me a "freak" behind my back!. Can some1 please tell me whats wrong with me or direct me to a forum that specializes in disorders!? I'm left handed, good at drawing & love trance music as i find it euphoric!. This fantasy world iv created is addictive!. Am i crazy or is this normWww@Answer-Health@Com

Your not a freak!.

It's awesome that you have such a powerful and amazing imagination!.
Your really lucky!.

It sounds to me like the neurotransmitters in your brain are a little screwed up!.
Which is nothing really really bad, just something you need to be aware of as you get older!.
The neurotransmitters in your brain are just acting abnormally!. Dopamine, Endorphin and Serotonin levels in your brain may be alittle high in your case!.
These neurotransmitters control cognition, mood, pleasure, voluntary movement and sleep!. They also are involved in developing mental illnesses!. That's what you need to look out for!.
Levels of these neurotransmitters can cause schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and severe depression!.
If your symptoms are getting really bad and getting in the way with your everyday life to the point where you can't take it, you should take to a psychologist that specializes in neurology!. They would know more about this than I would!. Your about the age where mental illnesses make themselves known so being aware of your thoughts and feelings is vital!.

Other than that I think there is nothing wrong with you!. Your classmates calling you a freak is just normal bullsh*t!. Everyone in high school is a complete a**hole!. They're probably just immature kids who have nothing better to do then pick on someone!.

I quit high school because of basically the same type of people!.

Your not crazy!.
Just alittle different!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well I would say your imagination sounds like a talent more than anything!. Why would you want to be like everyone else!. Lots of great artists etc!. retired into their own minds and became recluses!. if what is going on inside is so powerful then use it!
Sorry though, I couldn't put a name to it, but your nnot crazy, you know you do it afterall!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

aww, I think you're blessed with a great imagination :)
you should really use your talent to write books, etc!.
I reckon it's cool, you don't need to watch movies to entertain yourself ^_^
screw the other people :PWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'm sorry that your imagination is becoming uncontrollable, but I don't think that it's insanity, I just think it may be schizophrenia!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I do not think that you're a freak!. I envy your imagination and I know that good will come of it!. But right now in school, concentrate on school!. I can't help u on how 2 do that, go talk to ur school shrink or just any shrink for that matter!. U CANNOT GET ADDICTED TO THIS FANTASY WORLD!. That will reduce you to a flunking World of Warcraft Addict!. Peace out!. I hope u do the right thing!. If you have a close friend talk to him/her about your problem as well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You may just have a vivid imagination!. In fact, creativity has been associated with mental illness, those with mental issues are more likely to have very in depth, complex imaginations etc!. (many become artists/musicians)!. What you describe doesn't sound like a mental disorder!. I have jerked in my sleep as well from the thoughts going through my head (done it at school from daydreaming too) but it's not very often!. Trance music is awesome and very euphoric and uplifting, btw!.

Can you help yourself falling asleep!? If you are falling asleep unconsciously you may be narcoleptic (extra sleepy during the day; fall asleep often; daydream vividly and often)!. If that's not the case then it sounds like you're normal with a very vivid imagination!.

Either way you should talk to a doctor or therapist to be sure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you sound like me, and i'm being serious! i'm imaginative, and can come up with great storylines for class, and yes every now and then i stop listening and start to daydream but i'm always half-listening to what the teacher is saying so that i don't fall into it completely (i daydream a lot at home when i'm bored)!.!.!.i would start concentrating more on what your teacher's saying, and control yourself so you stop twitching cuz obviously a lot of people will find that weird!!! maybe the best option would be to stop daydreaming in class, but you don't need to stop altogether so long as you don't start to believe in things you're imagining you should be fine!.
personally, i just think that you have a really cool imagination, and that it sounds artistic!!! but seriously, you are not a freak!. :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

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