Question about anxiety or I think maybe anxiety??!

Question: Question about anxiety or I think maybe anxiety!?!?
It seems like every time I go to the store I get really hot, I feel like everyone is looking at me and judging me!. My question is is this anxiety or am I just being paranoid!? Does anybody else go through this and have solution!? I'm just ready to get back to my normal self!. Thank youWww@Answer-Health@Com

ANXIETY!!! It sucks!.

I have suffered from it for like 4 years now!

I had to take medicine to calm me down, because it caused me to be paranoid as well!.

I would go out and sometimes feel like i was on fire, (like someone dumped gas on me and lit a match) and I would have to go back into the house!. It was bad!.

Sounds like anxiety to me hunWww@Answer-Health@Com

anxiety!. specifically social anxiety disorder!. I've had it since I was really little!. There are medications that you can take!. (I chose not to take them myself so I can't vouch for any of them) or you can just try to get over it in your own way!. Unfortunatly everyone is different so I can't tell you what you should do!. Talking to a shrink might help!. he or she can give you different tips and tricks to nip an anxiety attack in the bud!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you've got paranoia not anxiety!. even though they are close!. that sounds more like paranoiaWww@Answer-Health@Com

it very well sounds like a mild anxietyWww@Answer-Health@Com

This sounds very much like you could be experiencing anxiety attacks!. Talk to your Dr to see if they can help!. There are some very good medicines that can help with these kind of symptoms!.
Try not to freak out, its not abnormal, many people have the same feelings!.
Take careWww@Answer-Health@Com

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