If my father was suicidal...?!

Question: If my father was suicidal!.!.!.!?
My father attemped suicide about 3 years back!. We know he suffers frm depression!. I am developing symtoms for depression as well as suicidal thoughts!. Does the fact the my father was suicidal make my case more urgant!.

I was thinking of waiting till I go to college to get help because I don't want to face my parents!. But, it's been getting worst!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know that anxiety can be past down, and it's linked with depression in a lot of cases!. So that fact that you are predisposed to depression, isn't going to be helping you at all!.

I know it's hard to face your parents, but they will only want what is best for you!. If you don't want to tell your parents you think you are depressed and have suicidal thoughts, if you have any physical symptoms, talking about those are easier, and you could get to a doctor for that!. And from there you can talk to you doctor in privacy and get recommended to a some kind of therapist!.

Best of luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The fact that your father has suffered from depression and that he has attempted suicide means that maybe you can be depressed and suicidal because depression runs in the family!. So the best thing that you can do for yourself, is go and see a doctor and get the proper treatment so that you can live a good life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your father may have an impact on you wanting to commit suicide and you depression!. you need to get help soon, not later!. if you let it go much further then you will probably get to the point where nobody can help you!. the sooner the better!. keep in mind suicide is not the right thing to do!. if you need to know why suicide isnt the right thing, go to the question "what is your honest opinion on life!?" my reason is there for anybody to read!. i really encourage you to go there, it will probably help you in your crisis right now!. also, keep in mind everybodys life is hard, but everybody can get through it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please don't wait!.!.!.there are so many ways to manage depression today, there is no reason to suffer!. I was a very depressed person through my teen years, after both of my parents passed away, I got mixed up in drugs, alcohol and attempted suicide a couple of times!. The good thing that happened for me was I took a step out on a limb and called the local mental health association!. It was free, I spoke with a counselor, and was put on meds for a couple of months, and I was doing great!. I still 30 years later have small bouts of normal depression, but they are easy to come out of!.
Please talk to someone now!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you don't get the help now you won't get it later!. If you wanted to later , most likely it will be more difficiult to deal with!. working with the illness now , better chance on getting better!. good luck & be safe!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have the same problem
like you dont want tell them about you
but if you get help now then
it wont be as hard when you get older
and you wont try suicide either

and its just going to get even worstWww@Answer-Health@Com

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