Schitzophrenia? bipolar? paranoia? info inside.?!

Question: Schitzophrenia!? bipolar!? paranoia!? info inside!.!?
okay, so heres the deal;;; im 14!. ever since i was about 3 or 4 i would hear 'voices' calling my name!. that went on for a few years, then i didnt notice it anymore!. when i was about 9 i started hearing them again!. my mom and da knew but they were just saying that it was all in my head and they werent real!. after the second time, they started saying more to me telling me stuff and saying things in different languages i have nevr heard!. the last time i heard it was lasst weekend!. people automaticly label me a "schitzo" because of it!. i also sometimes see things that i dont want to see!. just very!.!.!.weird, abstract stuff, that sometimes i use in things i draw, but its bugging me i dont know what it means!. i wonder if i really am!?

sometimes ill be laughing and joking around with my mom or my friends and the next minute, i'll be crying!. i dont think i am really bipolar, but sometimes i wonder!. and dont just say i am emoWww@Answer-Health@Com

talk to a doctor about your feelings and what your experiencing at times also write down in a diary when these occur and whats happening !.!.it might be that your body is experiencing stress at high levels!.!. also have you lost anyone recently that you care about!? a pet friend family member!? these are alll part of what can be trigering it!.!. But Do not put off seeing a Doctor at any costs!.!. you can be suffering from depression!.!.!. i used to wake up one day and be bouncing and other days id wake up listless crying and not wanting to leave my room !.!. and also what made me go see a doc is my partner had a some pain medication in his room and i had mine with me because of my back and i thought !.!. wouldn't it be easy just t take the lot and never wake up!? and that scared me so i went to talk to my doc and found out that the stress of my parents and sisters and work were putting on me all pushed me there!.!.!. so dont put this off even if you make an appointment and confide to a mate whos close to you to come with you just to hold your hand you will feel better knowing what it is rather than stressing about itWww@Answer-Health@Com

talk to a therapist and tell him EVERYTHING!. honestly, its probably nothing they haven heard before and if you ddont get it sorted out it will just get worse not got away!.
good luck : ]Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi there , you should try to relax about this !. It can be caused due to various things !.!.!.best is to see a good doctor and get this diagnosed !. Doctors will not say you are crazy - they will treat if u have a problem or tell you the cause of this !.Dont run away from the solutions !.!.!.relax and you will be better !!!!
Cheers and Good LuckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Ppl experiences lots of weird thoughts and things that they don't share with others because they think they are weird!. Sometimes they are a little more than just unusual thoughts, sometimes not!. The only way you'll know is if you talk to your counselor or to a doc!. It's not going to change your experience, right!? It will just change whether someone who can help knows!. So, share this info with one or the other!. If it is not serious, then you can work on why you have these feelings and stop worrying that they mean something more!. If they do mean something more, then you can start treatment early and go on to live a normal life!. See, either way you win, BUT you have to talk to the right ppl!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Things like this are happening to a lot of people!. Because the official ("accepted" and "scientific") point of view is so far from the people who are experiencing these things you will be told that you're just plain crazy and you should get some medication in order to "relax"!.
The fact is that you can hear voices and actually see people because they are actually there!. Not in the "real" (or better said the generally accepted as real) world, but in the collective sub-consciousness or supra-consciousness!.

Schizophrenia involves having a split perception of reality!. You see things that are "real" and "not real" but can't tell the difference because your perception is the same!.
Your brain hears or sees all those things the same way!.

The problem is how we define reality!. The general rule would be that objects or things everybody can perceive are real!. This rule is obviously flawed!.
If you are living in a world with 99!.9% blind people it's clear that you won't be able to have any reasonable discussion about favorite colors with just anybody but at the same time it won't mean that colors do not exist!.
The generally accepted Reality is not the Absolute Reality and to think that is just plain crazy (although it makes things easier for some)!.
In my opinion the Absolute Reality can't be perceived through the human mind but can be reached through consciousness!.

Do you have those dreams that seem very real and that are usually associated with the inability to move !?

I recommend you read the Baghavad-Gita which might give you a bit of a different view on this Universe we live in!.
You can also find it online!.
Another good experiment which you can do online is Shri Mataji's Self Realization!. Studying a bit the subtle body and chakras would help you understand more!. This will help you get rid of hearing those things and being bothered by them!.

Also, DONT do drugs!. This will only expose you more to "dead" entities which "live" in the sub-consciousness or supra-consciousness!. These entities are sad guys that can't let go of this world because they believe that this is the "real reality" and can't see any existence beyond that!.

Balancing your left and right channel will also help you from sudden switching of your emotional state!.

Good luck in finding more info inside yourself :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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