Change in my personality?!

Question: Change in my personality!?
This semester in college I noticed that the people whom I take classes with have changed a lot!. Some I find annoying, others have become more out going!. One day i felt a shift, something changing in my mind, It was a strange feeling, but I felt that I was going through some kind of transformation, a breakthrough!?!?!? I have become a very anti-social, dark, sometimes friendly, sometimes manic depressive adult!. How did this happen!? I noticed we all have these sides!. These are the layers to our personalties!. Sometimes the scary side of me comes out, I think, I'm no sure!. If I find that my behavior changes, I will go to the doctor, I will start next week!. To a few doctors!. People are so different!. We can not read minds, or erase our memories, or find eternal happiness!. What's next!? Sex!?!? or something else!. I'm patiently waiting!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You have been making changes in your personality since the day you were born!. And, you will continue making changes until you die!. That's what makes us grow and mature into the person we end up to be!.
In between these stages; we can be nice and gracious and smart and thoughtful; we can learn something new everyday and use it to help ourselves and others!. Or we can reverse it and be ruthless, mean, and not so smart and tear down everything that comes our way; making our life full of misery and heartache!.
If we are lucky, we will make the best of every change in our lives!. Of course, we will have ups and downs; but it will be best if we turn everything that we experience in to positive good things for ourselves and everyone that we come in contact with through our life!. That will be a well spent life!.
Yes, and then there is sex!. If you give as good as you get; it should be very rewarding!. I hope that will be very rewarding for you too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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