PLEASE HELP?I was raped 9 years ago,why am I suddenly having nightmares???!

Question: PLEASE HELP!?I was raped 9 years ago,why am I suddenly having nightmares!?!?!?
OK this is taking alot of guts to ask!.!.!.but I was raped when I was 15,by my best friends guy friends,it was horrible what happen,i went out with her and was hanging out with a few people,she was dating one of the guys there and she went outside(supposedly) and i was left alone with his cousin who was in his 20's,for some reason i blacked out and the next thing I remember is this guy on top of me raping me,i was screaming and crying,then I blacked out again and then I was in their car still kicking and screaming so they literally threw me out of the car like a piece of garbage,the next day i was all beat up and I was still upset my friend said she didn't hear me screaming(i don't believe her) so I called my mom and we went through the whole process of the hospital and calling the cops!.I had a boyfriend and he was there for me,but why after 9 years is is coming back to haunt me!?!?it's been over the last month or so and it's really intense,i wake up sweating and out of breath!.why!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was molested at the age of 9 and I was first raped at the age of 17 and several times after that!. I'm now almost 53 and I can remember each one as if it were yesterday!. I still have nightmares sometimes!. It never truly goes away!. If you've gotten help dealing with it you learn to live with it!. I've had several melt downs especially when I'm talking to my psychiatrist about it!. I really have a difficult time around the anniversaries of the attacks or if I'm in situations that were similar to what happened!. I've learned that there's no substitute for dealing with it with either a professional or other's who have been in your place!. You're having the nightmares because I'm not sure if you've ever really dealt with the feelings that you had about your attacker, your friend and most of all yourself!. Until you do that you won't be able to deal with what happened!. Either deal with it in therapy or go to a rape surviors group!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have never been through such an experience, but all I can suggest is that you read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle!. I know it will help!. You can find it in any book store!. I promise you will be glad you did!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe after nine years of getting by, the memory of what happened finally caught up with you!. Was the guy ever arrested!? If not, the lack of closure might be whats bringing the memories back!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Be thankful you're alive! That's a horrible thing to go through!.
Anyway, it sounds like you have some sort of traumatic-stress-disorder!. Ask a doctor, therapist, or psychologist!. Better yet, ask all three!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe PTSD!. which is post tramatic stressed disorder!. i have had that!. im not going to tell you what happend for the world to see so check your emails!.

first, let me say how sorry I am that you were treated in such a horrible way!. I commend you for surviving!.!.!.!. it may be coming up now for several reasons!. you may now have the strength to address the issue!.!.!.!. you may have developed a realtionship that reminds you of those horrible events, or other things I Haven't thought of!. whatever the reason, you need to find someone to whom you can discuss the past events!. I would suggest a therapist, but close friend, pastor, or someone else will help!. you have proven how tough you are!!! know that your symptoms are normal, that you are normal, and that you will do well eventually!! good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi there!.

First of all i'm sorry for what you have gone through it must have been terrible!.!. i reckon you must have PTSD as i was molested when i was 11 years old and i was having bad dreams all of sudden and i was dignosed with BPD and PTSD and this is over 15 years ago!.!.!. and it was only recently over the last three months things were so real and intense to me and seem so real at the time of the dream, take things easy they will get better!.

my dreams are getting better as i have less of them, thanks to my social worker!.

i suggest you see a social worker and get into therapy as its the best treatment for this problem

Best of Luck

Secret PWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not sure why they are just now starting to bother you!. My guess is that you are under stress or that something triggered the memory and started the nightmares!. That is a horrible thing to have happen to you, so its not surprising that it is still bothering you!. I think it would really help you to talk to someone about it!. In my religeon it is very important to us to depend on the Lord to help heal the hurt that we have experienced!. If you want to know more about what my church teaches you can email me (heywhatsuup@yahoo!.com)!. Also, it might be a good idea to see a psychologist for awhile, just so they can help you sort out the pain that you are feeling and help stop the nightmares!. I hope things get better for you!. Remember, you are NOT alone!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's really a horrible experience!.I fully understand that!. So, you can be an advocate against group dates!. Best is to choose your friends VERY, VERY well!. Choose Christian friends, no booze, no drugs!. Going forward now!. Pray to God to delete that dark moment in your memory bank!. Pray for those people who did wrong to you, ALSO!. Hard really, but that is the cure!. The Good Lord will sustain you!. Then, forgive them, too, because forgiving is SELF-HEALING!. Believe me, bec!. this is true, and you will have peace!. Love your husband, He's a rare, sweet and understanding fellow!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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