I feel like life has no meaning anymore.?!

Question: I feel like life has no meaning anymore!.!?
I really need help, I was depressed before in my life, and my dad is wierd about that!. Because he is, I don't want to go to a doctor and find out if i'm depressed!. Day to day, I go and do nothing, and nothing, and nothing!. It feels like my heads going to explode! If someone could give me some answers, it would be really nice, thanks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get involved with a church youth group! You will find some caring friends there!. Also, tell your dad about your feelings!. Always remember, life has a purpose!. God has a plan for your life and loves you so much!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I also went through that phase!.!.!. Nothin to do, everyone close to you seems far away, but luckily I got over it becasue If I didn't, it would not have ended well for me!. You should go out more because staying at home doing nothing makes you think deeply about stuff that will make you depressed like your appearance, your religion, or about things from the past you regret!.!.!.!. Don't isolate yourself from other people by staying at home becuase that's where it begins!. Make goals/objectives you want to achieve, that will keep you busy and make you a better person!. Never think about the negative things around you because it will make things worse, just dwell on the positive!.!.!. Hope You get well soon!Www@Answer-Health@Com

So if your dad is all freaked out about depression, why don't you tell him to need to see a doctor because you have a pain in your leg or something!. When you are alone in the office with the doc tell him you think you might be depressed, you were before, and what are your options!. Once your father hears from the doctor, he may calm down a little!. Tell your dad, that you need more in your life than nothing and you would like to try what the doctor recommends!.!.!.!.!.and ask him what's wrong with feeling better!?
Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You have to keep trying new things until you find what really makes you happy!. Sometimes it's not so easy to find & it takes a long time, but you will eventually find a comfortable place in life!. You're still so young & it probably feels like you are so smothered by everything trying to control you that you can't breathe!.!.!. but, it will eventually get better!. You just have to wait for it!. Just try to avoid doing anything that could make things worse for you, like drinking, drugs, stealing, & hanging out with people who use you!.!.!. all things that may seem to give you temporary good feelings, but slowly drain you & use you up!. You have so much in life to look forward to!. I know you can't see it now, but it's coming!. Just continue to treat others with empathy, honesty, kindness, & sincerity & it will eventualy come back to you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

well what i will tell you is that this is important to get checked out by a doctor!. I'm sorry but in this situation u must take care of yourself, it is very important! (reguardless of how anyone thinks about depression!.) There are many stigmas placed on depression!.!.!. I think that people do not understand it until they have experienced it!.
If you are worried about your dad finding out, (as long as you are 16 yrs old or older) you are protected by privacy laws that say that whatever you do tell the doctor is confidential or between you and him/her!.
I really do hope you take care of this, you never know you might just be a little down in the dumps and it may not be diagnosed as depression!. But, I can't stress enough that it is important to talk to a professional about how you are feeling!. Take care and if you need support go see another close family member first or best friend and talk about how you are feeling, they might even go with you when you see the doctor!.!.!. support helps a lot! =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe you should try alternate medicines to treat depression!. Also try to eat healthy and get sunshine (at least 10 minutes) and exercise daily!. If you also eat healthily you will fell better about yourself!. Also try and remember that things will change and it won't always feel this way!. Get out of routine and try and do something new and exciting every week!.

Don't worry what your Dad thinks, he will learn to accept it and if he doesn't who cares!. We have one change at this life we may as well enjoy it while we can!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok, Ive been here so many times! try doing something!. a hobby, a job, bird watching, walks, coloring, things that will keep you occupied!.
dont dwell on the bad things!. that is no good!.
be possitive at all times!.
good luck! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

get a newspaper and look for some opportunities to volunteer!. Not all of them require huge commitments of time!. helping others and being a part of your comminity really makes a person feel better!. Also try to get a balanced diet and enough sleep!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Okay, so when you were depressed before, was anything done about it!? Were you actually diagnosed and put on meds!? Have you asked your dad why he creeps out over it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

A multidimensional approach to treating depression without medication follows!. All except for no!. (6!.) are safe to use with medication, but not St!. John's wort, because of interactions, and it's sensible to check out anything else first with your doctor!.

(1!.) Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice!. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it!.

(2!.) Work up slowly to at least 20 minutes minutes of exercise, daily, or 30 - 60 mns, 5 times weekly!. Too much exercise can cause stress, which isn't wanted when dealing with depression!. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it!.

(3!.) Occupational therapy (keeping busy allows little time for unproductive introspection, and keeps mental activity out of less desirable areas of the brain)!.

(4!.) Use daily, one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 2!.c, 2!.i, or 11, and/or yoga, Tai Chi, and/or the EFT, in sections 2!.q, 2!.o, and section 53, at http://www!.ezy-build!.net!.nz/~shaneris whichever works best for you!.

(5!.) Initially, at least, some form of counselling, preferably either Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavio(u)ral Therapy!.

(6!.) As options, if desired, either a known, effective herbal remedy, such as St!. John's wort, or supplements, such as SAMe, taken with a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin, or Inositol (from vitamin and health food stores, some supermarkets, or mail order: view section 55)!.

Also, 80% of people in the Western world have low magnesium levels, and these are known to cause depression & anxiety!. Try the magnesium supplement types shown in http://www!.real-depression-help!.com/ Some of these will be available in pharmacies, or supermarkets!.

An improvement can be noticed in as little as a week, if a deficiency is the cause!. Also, iodised salt is preferable to regular salt!. This is a shortened version of the much more comprehensive post, which may be viewed on page Z!.12, in section 2 of ezy build, above, but to gain full appreciation, section 2 really is best if viewed in its entirety!.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Online depression counselling is available through www!.psychology!.com or www!.onestepatatime!.com or www!.kasamba!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

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