Intervention gone WRONG what next?!

Question: Intervention gone WRONG what next!?
My friend has been cutting herself!. Today we sat her down & talked!. We took turns telling her how much she matters to us!. We told her we're scared she's going to kill herself!. It did not turn out like we hoped!. She got mad and walked away!. What should be do next!? btw she does not talk to her parents!. She's 21Www@Answer-Health@Com

I cut myself too, so i can understand why she got angry and left!. She has to decide on her own that she needs to stop cutting!. It becomes an addiction, it's like saying something like this: She got married to someone who she thought was great and perfect for her, then her friends are telling her to divorce him because hes not a good influence!. It would obviously hurt and make you mad!.
It takes time and patience to convince someone to change their lifestyle!. Is she in college!? If so then you and your friends cood go to the school counselor for help!. If not, then you should try something like this, it worked with my anorexic bff!.

Email her or something and say that you threw up your food, or youre thinking of attmepting suicide!. Obviously she'll freak and tell you shes scared for you (if shes ur real friend) then thats when you say "Thats how Im feeling about you" that might help her to see the light!.

Good luck, and if you need anymore help, email me!.


Firstly, you should recognise that you have been really caring and supportive friends and done what you felt was needed to help your friend!.
It may be that she found your caring difficult to handle because she doesn't get this sort of emotional support from her parents!. This could be part of her problem, but it doesn't mean that she didn't appreciate it only that she doesn't know how to respond!.
Let her know that you are still there for her and if she wants your support to get help then you'll go with her or whatever it takes!. It may take a while and she is an adult, so she needs to make that step herself!. Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

How can I help if I know someone who harms themself!?
Finding out that someone that you care about is deliberately hurting themself can be hard!. Many parents, partners, brothers, sisters and friends cannot understand why someone would want to hurt themself in this way!. It is hard to not take it personally, and you may want to force the person you care about to stop, because it makes you uncomfortable!.
? Don't take it personally

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