How are you feeling right now?!

Question: How are you feeling right now!?
PLEASE GIVE ME DETAILS AND WHY YOU FEEL THE CERTAIN WAY YOU DO please!.!.!.!.this is where you can vent out your feelings!.!.!.:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

where to begin!.!.!.
i am feeling ok as of right now!.!.!.but with my mental illnesses that could all change within moments!. i went to my future step-son's graduation this morning!. his mother was there!.!.!.we have never gotten along (2yrs of nothing but war)!. we sat down and talked that what we were doing was causing the boys problems!. she would allow them to disrespect me in her home and when they came here and disrespected they would would get into trouble!. so we came to a an agreement that we would BOTH try our best to get along for the boys sake!. they are what comes first!.!.!.not our petty differences!. it was weird talking to her this morning like a human being and not a person i loathed!. maybe people do change!.!.!.i never in my wildest dreams thought i would ever have a conversation with her in person without animosity!.

i feelings are a bit overwhelming and i am still a bit shocked!. it is hard to say just what feelings are running thru my body!. they are feelings i don't recall ever feeling before!. is it a sense of relief that the well being of the boys are first and for most in this world!.!.!.yes! is a feeling of accomplishment of getting things ironed out with their mother!.!.!.yes! the other feelings that i have i just dont have words for!.!.!.

thank you so kindly for letting me get this off my chest! i know this might not of been exactly what you were looking for!.!.!.but this is all i have to offer for today!.!.!.for this moment!.!.!.

EDIT ~ why the thumbs down when she said this was a place to vent!.!.!.why are people so shallow of others feelings!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Horrible and anxious and confused!. Kinda feel like i've been thrown around!. The guy i liked and still do for 2 years liked me for 2 months and i think still does!. My friend was going to tell him that i like him on the bus after school today, but he walks to the high school to weight lift with his friends so that won't happen!. Tomorrow is the last day of school!. It has to happen then which puts a lot of un-needed pressure on me and i feel so stupid for not doing anything because if i don't do anything he'll just slip away!. I had so many chances!. Plus he doesn't ride the bus in the morning so my friend can't tell him then!.!.!.!.!.why is it like this!?!? who knows!. I'm going to finish my last day of seventh grade tomorrow as horribly as it seems like it unless something good happens!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Thanks for asking!.!. nobody has asked me that all day!
I'm very tired (I've been working since 5 a!.m!. and it's 3 p!.m!. now!.!.!.2 hours to go) I'm a little stressed, I still have a lot to do before the weekend comes!. Several meeting to prepare for and charts to review!. I'm kind of depressed!. Just ended a relationship!. Or should I say, she ended it for me!. I have tons of stuff I need to get done around home!.!. mow the lawn, clean, laundry, ironing etc!. I am on-call all weekend!.!. so no doubt I'll get hauled into work at some ridiculous hour!. And worst of all, it's a holiday weekend and I have no potential for even doing anything remotely fun!. On the up side!.!.!. it's sunny, I can't wait to go running after work and get to bed early so I can relax and catch some ZZZ's!
have a great day!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am feeling lonely!. My friend does not like me as much as I like her!. This can cause disappointment!.
It is hard to make new friends as we get older!.
Kids are lucky!. They can just go up to someone and say "Will you be my friend!?" or "Will you play with me!?"Www@Answer-Health@Com

Guilty and let disappointed!. I dropped to my lowest weight ever and then suddenly quit my exercise routine!. Plus, the sky is cloudy and it makes my head feel the same!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm tired and have a headache!. I didn't' sleep well last night and I think it's due to allergies!.

But besides that, I'm in a good mood!. Can't wait to go home and see my little girl!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

freakin mad and sad! My friend is like changing so much just because i told her something!. Nothing mean!. It was about me and all of the sudden she ignores me and says "whatever"Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm feeling a little guilty since I've been doing some very bad dieting and it's been taking a horrible toll on my body!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I feel like I wish I could throw up my own guts like a sea anenome and then flee to another land!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

anxious and frisky!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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