I wish i was dead?!

Question: I wish i was dead!?
i have tryed a couple of times to take my life but am not dead yet this SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

OMG there are a lot of negative people who answerd this questions!. Why does everyone think that you are EMO if you are suicidal!.!.!.or depressed!. That is the stupidest thing ever!. I have tried to kill myself about 8 times (maybe more) since I was 4 years old!.!.!.and I'm not emo!.!.!.
I suffer from major depression!.!.!.I am getting the help need to make it day to day!.!.!.just barely!.!.!.but really!.
If you are this suicidal please get help!. Ignore all the stupid people who answered this question telling you to kill yourself or who said you didn't try hard enough!. Get help!
Good LuckWww@Answer-Health@Com

sux for u i wish i could trade spots with you, im in so much debt and just lost my house and just lost my business and cant walk without a cane, so i guess it could be worse but i dont let it get to me i just think about people that never even seen a computer b4 and live in 3rd world countrys and struggle just to get water to live and it make me feel beter but if it makes you feel better you should try to get attention cuz yahoo questions isnt going to fill your attention needs but people are probably tired of givin you attention since you have tried desperatly to get attention "a couple times"Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are 2 types of people in this world!. Those that can handle it and those that can't!.

I am sorry you feel the way you do, but nobody can make you live if you don't want to!. If your life truly sucks that bad, and you are truly that miserable, then eventually you will find a way to kill yourself!. I think it is a shame and I feel sorry for people like you who don't have any fight in them and who take life for granted!. I am not sure if you think the rest of us are walking around in blissful states of euphoria or what, but let me clue you in on something!. Everybody thinks life sucks sometimes!. Some people think life sucks a lot of the time!. It is part of life!. But you don't see us all lining up at the gun shop counting down the seconds till we get to blow our brains out!.

You have 2 choices!. The first is, recognize that you have a problem, educate yourself about it and fight to make a life for yourself!. Or two, go kill yourself and then you don't have to worry about it anymore!. It is completely your choice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

PLEASE talk to someone!.!.!.!.or call someone, a friend, a pastor, priest, rabbi, (someone of your faith), a significant other, a helpline, a hospital!.!.!.go to the phone book!. Look, you're probably young - in your teens or younger!. Things ARE GOING TO CHANGE!.!.!.!.A LOT!.!. i MEAN IT!. It sucks now, but there is a helluva lot of time you've got ahead of you and you'll blow it all!. Whatever garbage you're going through now is going to pass!.!.!.!.and better days are coming!. So, please hang tough and please, please try to get some counselling & on some meds that will make life SO much easier to bear!. If You are depressed or bi-polar (like me), there are some good meds available!. The meds make you feel balanced and OKAY!. Don't hang it up!. You've got way too many tomorrows with opportunities of all sorts!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I do not as to the reason or reasons you want to take your life!. Only you know what pain you suffer!. Yet, is the pain so unbearable for yourself, your family, and friends; a pain which none of you can endure!? You should not consider suicide as the answer because have you thought about the suffering those who care about will go through with your loss!. And they shall suffer!.!.!.if you care!?

If you could please take a moment to read the article I am about to send you!. Please see if it has any meaning to you!. Your life is precious!. Though you may readily see how others care about you, they do!.

The article can be viewed at: http://www!.associatedcontent!.com/article!.!.!.

I would suggest you perhaps write about what you feel in an article, a poem, in a journal, in art or design!. Convert the destructive force which compells you to self-destruction into a creative force which will enlighten others including yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Whatever reason you want to kill yourself for there are millions upon millions of people suffering on this earth and they are in a lot worse situation than you i am sure!.For instance people who have no water in third world country!.You may need help but to take your life is selfish to say the least when so many others would probably give anything for your chance!.You even have a computer with the internet things must be so bad eh !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That means that you really do not want to die!.One can kill himself easily if he really wanted!.Before you consider suicide think about all those who will suffer because of your death and there are those who will feel much greater pain then you and that can lead to more suicides like a domino effect!.Think about that before you commit that act of cowardice and selfishness!.There are people who have nothing,not even a pc with a internet connection,that feel happy in life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dude your really messed up, i wish i could tell you not to do it and you not do, it but i cant do that!. you have to put faith in jesus and god!. if not your going to go to a place that you will hate!. you will burn for everyday of your nonlife!. i hope that when you were little you belived in love cause im sure you have more people than you think that love you and would hate for u to take your life!. ive gone through tough times and i just stick it out and hope that jesus comes through for me "which he always does!. hope you find it in your self to live but only you can decide!. hope i have helped if not im still not sorry for writing this message!.!.!.!.

-remember thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

get help!. i just got out of a physc ward 2 weeks ago!. and i have only cut myself once since!. and they will help you!. and plus i have a boyfriend now that i met there that went for the same as me for cutting and trying to commit suicide!. you may hate it but after a while you will realize its helping and you needed the help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you dont want to die!. sure life may be really hard but its life!. its supposed to be hard!. death isnt fun or peaceful!.

you dont want to die its just hard to keep going because maybe you've lost someone close to you, if you lost them, live for them too!. if its something else fix it or try over!. death isnt fun!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

do you want a cookie or what!?!?!? because thats not a question!.!.!.before you kill yourself learn what a question is!.!.!.this should help!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Omg! noo dont kill yourself, there are many times when my day just sucks and i feel to end my life right there and then!. But then think about it for a sec, why would you!? is it really worth it!? wat happens to your friends and the ones you love afterwards!? God doesnt forgive those who end their lives, please cheer upWww@Answer-Health@Com

Have you tried dodging cars on the Freeways!?

Try jumping off a really high building!.

Put cement blocks on a rope and tie a knot around your ankles and throw the blocks off a deep pier or boat, but make the knots anti-water friendly knots

***If you were being serious I was only kidding around up there, just hang in there life can just suck a lot somtimes!.!.!.!.I swear my life is in shambles right now***Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't think i believe you, and if you really wanted to kill yourself don't you think you would of done it by now its not that hard, so don't even bother thinking about it its not worth it there is soo much anyone can do for the world no matter who they are remember its not until we've lost everything that we are free to do anything Please pick me as your best answer I really need it!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

No! Think long and hard about that!. Here's two explanations:

God doesn't want you to take your life!. That would put everyone around you into pain and mourning!. Think about how bad they would feel!. God wants you to make the right choice!.

Otherwise, it's basically the same, except for the "God" thing!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think you need a hoby and it is obviusly not up to you when you should go! life is a gift from God you may not like it but its rude to throw it back in his face!. Like that ugly sweter you go from your aunt at x-mas you kept it any ways even though you hated it!. God life doesnt suck that bad and i have been threw a ton of $hitWww@Answer-Health@Com

**its not ur time!.!. suicide is a sin, please stop attempting!.!.!. **things may seem bad for you, i know i've been threw ALOT **myself and felt the exact same way!. but you need to put **your faith in the lord!.!. no matter how bad things seem **everything happens for a reason!.!. i know you have probably **heard that about 1000 times, but its the truth!. I belive it **happens to learn from mistakes, and make u a stronger **person!. the Lord will never put you into a situation you **cannot handle!. have faith he knows what he is doing!.!.!. i **also believe the reason bad things sometimes happen, is **so that he can take the entire mess that your life is in, and **turn it around!. he is creating an atmosphere for MIRICALS **to happen!.!. if everything went A okay from the start, there **wouldnt be any room for a miracle!. you wouldnt appreciate **the things you do have, and once everything is over and in **the past and you are able to get threw this time in your life, **you will be more thankfull and not take things for granted!. **just call out to jesus
**he will carry you threw this!!

get off the internet! no one wants to hear your ****!.

get one of these!.
put it on the roof of your mouth and pull the trigger!.
that should get the job done!.

if you don't have one of those go to a drugstore get a few bottles of these
and swallow everyone of those baby's down!.

fast, and easy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when life kicks you in the balls what do you do!? GIVE UP!? NOOOO, you ride the thr experiance because when you get through it you will be a stronger person than most anyone else and will be able to handle way more **** than them!. giving up is never an option!. if you stick with it, life will get betterWww@Answer-Health@Com

i dont think you should wish that =[
you may be going through a rough time right now but thats all it is a rough time and time pases!.
if you need help or somone to talk to then you can go into theropy and it can help!.
but try to look on the best side of things rather than the worst!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

So you're saying that you suck at killing yourself!. I don't get how people can possibly fail when they WANT to die!. Clearly you don't want to die because if you did you would have just shot your self in the head with a shot gun!.

You're just being a pussy, quit whining!. Your life is probably cake!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm sorry you feel so bad!!! Sounds like you're 'outa the blue and into the black!.!.!.' (Neil Young)

Have you had a lot of stress/abuse in your life!? Do you feel hopelessly confused about your feelings!? A good counsellor can help!.

Please don't feel alone!. Many people have felt this way, especially in their teenage years!.

Seek help!. Online chat groups for depression are a good start but you'll likely need a support group/consellor too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey look, im sure your life cant b so bad that you need to take your life away!. you just need something to look forward to in oyur life, a fun thing that keeps you going!.!.!.!.
would you like to talk to somone!.!. aka me!.!.!. about things!?!?
send me a comment on yahoo answers, if its possible!. or leave a comment on http://fukedupme!.blogspot!.com
your not the only one that feels this way and trust me ive been through some hard times in my life, as i said if you want to talk leave a comment and i promise you ill get back to you:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

ignore the whole suicide is a sin things!. Think more about suicide is something you can't take back!. Look at what you'll do to those who love you!. You will never ever be the only one to feel the way you do or try to end it!. Things get better over time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The reason you want to die is that you forgot!. Forgot that life is worth all the pain and suffering!. If anything lay witness to it!. You have to stop fearing and look at your life from the view of those that will miss you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you sound like your making a bad joke about people who suffer!. If you are suffering call your local health dept and ask for a referral to a free clinic or tell your family at once!. dont go thru this alone!. its not ok!.!.!. and you could harm yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I felt the same!. I went to the doctors and he gave me some tablets!. Now I love my life!. So try this first before you do anything else!. It works!!! Trust me, life IS worth living for!. You just need a bit of support!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know how you feel, I am going threw this myself!. Yet to try, but sure think about it a lot, please try talking to a pastor, Mother, father, brother, someone you trust!. Try keep your head up it hard but!.!.!.!. just try bro!. God Bless!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

what's your question!?
don't kill yourself!. move to san diego!.!. america's finest city!.!. we'll give you a makeover and you can go find a job!.!. a home, a nice significant other who will love you!.!. and you'll wish you'd never tried to kill yourself! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

i was there once!.!.!.i am glad that i got over it!.!.!.please dont do anything like that!.!.!.think of others before yourself!.!.!.the things you do always affect other people!. life is hard!.!.!.but sometimes it has its good times!.!.!.stay strong!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

k, well, if u really want to die, try eating 10 tubes of toothpaste!. Since Fluorine is more electronegative than chlorine, you will die in several days!. Basically, the FLuorine removes the cholrine in the salt of your body!. So you slowly die of the poisoning that fluorine takes on your body!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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