I'm hung over at work and I want to kill myself. What should I do?!

Question: I'm hung over at work and I want to kill myself!. What should I do!?
I don't have a gun or anything!. I work in an office so there's lots of pens laying around!.!.!.!.do you think a bic is sharp enough to puncture skin!? I'm also working with a stapler, a 3-hole punch, and a phone!. Any suggestions!?Www@Answer-Health@Com


(everyone seems to think you're serious)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't kill yourself!! Remember everytime when you are sad what i say: 'For every 60 seconds you stay sad you loose 1 minute from this beautiful world which none could give it back to you so learn to be happy and smile 'cause with this attitude you will get over your bad time!' It's never too late!;) and i have one more question: Do you drink or take drugs!?!? 'Cause in that case you should go to a rehab!. sorry !.!.!. just trust me!;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, if you are at work, what are you doing playing on the computer!? I don't think any of those items will harm you, unless you can figure a way to hang yourself with the phone cord!. But I would suggest using the phone to call AA instead!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I suggest you try an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting where they can give you more information on this sort of problem!. "Normal" folk don't go to work hungover--whatever the date!. Not fussing at you, just worried!. The AA web page has information on local groups!. You have nothing to lose!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

take an aspirin please at least you have a job right that has to count for something don't hurt yourself please!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Remember how you feel now the next time you want to tie one on on a Sunday nite!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

MAYBE instead of being at work you should be in REHABWww@Answer-Health@Com

quit drinkingWww@Answer-Health@Com


don't go killing yourself now, just go to the loo, and splash a little water over your face!. If it doesn't work, stick ice cubes down you top (hey, these thing work hun)
if the worst comes to the worst, then whack your head on the wall (easier to take a run up) if it doesn't work, at least you''ll end up in hospital forever, where its warm, and they have nice food!.
There are also a lot of syringes full of dangerous sh!t that im sure they wouldn't mind you borrowing of a little self-experimentation!.!.!.*;) ;)*Www@Answer-Health@Com

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