How do i deal with anger issues?!

Question: How do i deal with anger issues!?
Ok i bottle up my stress and when its topped off i explode into a hulk like state and start thinking of choking/killing the person next to me or the person who pissed me off but i aint thinking im doing!. No i don't kill but thinking of it while choking makes my grip harder!. I don't think i can release my stress in healthy dosses regularly as i tried this and i loss motivation to and coudln't keep doing it!. Not only that i started going to gym so im getting stronger i need to work out this issue before i kill someone!. Oh yeah most of that stress build up is from peers from school that constantly piss me off!. Anyone got a routine to help me lose stress cause im gonna kill someone if i don't!. I already started thinking of making a hitlist!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First you need to find out what the stressor is,you've already explained what and how but the real reason you should be searching for is why!?!?!? Only then you will be able to deal with anger and guess what it dosen't always come from your past, but anger generally comes form what you are trying not to deal with presently!. Good Luck!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to find a support group!. I do it too but ummmmm
You need mental health!. Look in your local phone book for that!. No better yet you go to the emergency room and tell them that!. Go on now!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Hope you get better and remember
Noones perfect not even you so just talk violence is not the key!. You could lose your life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Anger means you are hurt!. You have to think of why you are hurting and talk to someone about it!. Instead of blaming others, you have a problem!. You need to get the help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please get help!. Go see the Counselor at school or talk to a adult and get some help!. When you feel it coming on walk away!. Go and be by yourself!. Find someone you care for and talk it out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Say to yourself that you will not get angry today, daily morning after you get from bed!. Keep it saying when ever you have time!. I am sure you anger will reduce in few days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

and why are you wanting to kill people!? so you turn into popeye so what!.!.!. why lash out at other people you will only go to jail, besides cause tons of pain for other people!. look up the word empathy, you need to feel others pain, not be selfish and want to hurt other kids!. i know that being a teen in high school is very hard, i was there too, i hated school, i had friends at times, then at other times i wouldnt go with the crowd so then i didnt have alot of friends!. you have to go see a counselor about your anger, get some meds to stabilize your mood!. were you hurt by someone as a kid!? please go see a therapist!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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