Is the American Population Over Medicated?!

Question: Is the American Population Over Medicated!?

I have noticed a major trend of psychiatric diseases in the last two decades in America!. Are some Americans so desperate to validate foul and or weak behavior that they will take any psychiatric drug thrown at them to validate their behavior!?

We get nervous - the doctor gives a pill
We become sad -the doctor gives a pill
We become agitated - Well!.!.!.you know!.!.!.!.

I do agree and realize that there are people who truly need help and this is their only life support (pharmaceuticals),
but I have to wonder what people did about all of these issues decades ago!?

Whatever happened to people simply talking about their problems and working them out - coping!?

When do we reach the level of too many pills!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

We've already reached the level of too many pills!.

The problem is that we live in a society of instant gratification!. Nobody wants to seriously work to fix any of their issues, and so taking a tiny pill and saying life is good and fixed and all is well and fantastic is the easy way out, and so typically the favored!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

What people did decades ago was suffer and in many case got locked up in state hospitals for the rest of their lives!.

What did people do for cancer decades ago!? They died!.

If you don't want to take pills, don't, but you shouldn't judge people who want to get past their problems and live a normal life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would not be surprised if this is true since you have to keep up the impression that you are a super power!. So you all suffer from nervousness, being sad and easily agitated!. But narcotics are common among you all because they are easily available!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think my generation has been raised on the notion that there is always something wrong with you and there is always some sort of medication to fix you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do you know that the statistics show that otc drugs are the number leading drugs, and number one killer over crack, coc,and etc!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

are you from boston!? this was on the news today!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes, we are the prozac generation and its only gonna get worseWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes! I noticed it a long time ago!.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking medication if it's needed, but it's being >way< overprescribed!. Our kids are being medicated so they can fit in with other other Stepford (zombies) kids in school!. The first time they shout to a friend across the room (normal kid behavior) the counselors are on the phone to the parents, ordering a visit to the dr!.

When my father died, the dr!. prescribed my mother anti-depressants right away!. After almost 50 years of marriage, I would think a little depression would be normal and I'd only worry if it lingered for too long!. (Downside: those medications have side effects, too!. Her anti-depressants gave her mood swings!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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