Help ME?????????!

Question: Help ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I'm pretty sure I have OCD (I have all the symptoms, and I've had a diagnosis from a friend who's a retired psychiatrist)!. My question is, even though I did self-help (read books, etc) and it has kind of decreased, I still have some symptoms that are sometimes bothersome!. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor should I tell him about my symptoms, or just deal with them!? They aren't major, but they sometimes bother me (re-writing a word 3 times, for example)!. I want to work in government in the future, and I don't want a mental illness on my medical record for everyone to see!. Will my employers (after doing background checks, etc see my mental illness on my medical report!? Or will only I know!?) Please help! I need to know what to do! I don't want to ruin my future, but I also may need some help to completely eliminate the symptoms! And is that even possible!? Having the symptoms eliminated completely!?

Sorry this is so long!. Thanks so much for your help!Www@Answer-Health@Com

first of all, i'm not sure exactly what'll come on on your background check but if you've been to a psychiatrist and properly diagnosed then it may come out on your medical record!. second, don't be ashamed!. this is not your fault, it is a condition and your employers will see that you are getting help for it!. you're not going to ruin your life, you're just going to have to work a little harder at it!. i'm afraid there is nothing to completely eliminate the symptoms!. but if you know what they are you can manage them when you feel them coming on!. exercise, relax, do things that are relaxing for you, tell yourself, "i know it's not me, it's my ocd!." if it is bothering you please tell your doctor!. don't think you can handle this all alone and don't think it will go away by itself!. you're not crazy and there is nothing to be ashamed of!. be proud of how far you've come!. god bless you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if it bothers u then yes u should tell ur doctor!.!.!.have u ever been on a medication for ur OCD!?!?!?!.!.if not then u might wanna give it a try!.!.!.!.just talk to ur doctor about it and how it does in fact bother u and see what he/she recommends!!
= )Www@Answer-Health@Com

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