What should you do when having a panic attack?!

Question: What should you do when having a panic attack!?
Firstly, i just want to say that i know just how awful a panic attack is, had some myself years ago, not for some time though!. You should carry a paper bag around with you at all times as breathing into this paper bag will help the oxygen levels rise in your blood and calm your breathing back down!. Also, take some deep breaths in and out for a while too!. Try and remember that these feelings will pass eventually and stay as calm as possible in the circumstances!. If things get really terrible for you then do go to the doctors and ask for some anti-anxiety medication to take temporarily, good luck!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My panic attacks come at times for no reason at all, so the counselor I was going to gave me some tips to get through them!.
Try to calm your breathing!. I do slow deep breaths in and out!.
Try to clear and calm your mind!. I count slowly, or just sort of do a meditation thing where I close my eyes and focus on making my mind go blank!.
Sometimes when it gets really bad I also sort of rock back and forth, which for some reason is calming to me!. It looks kind of wierd, but hey, it helps!.
There is also medication available to help with frequent panic attacks, although I never looked into that option!. I didnt want to have to take anymore medication than I was already taking at the time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have panic disorder so i get panic attacks a lot! i have this medicine called xanax which helps a lot if you fell a panic attack coming on! the whole breathing into a bag thing and taking deep breathes never work at the moment for me! i just try to go outside and try to focus on an object! and that also helps a lot! if you get them a lot then go to a phyciatrist so they can prescribe you medicine! hope this helps! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have had to help my friend through them a couple times, and have had them myself!. the easiest thing you can do is just get a glass of water and try to drink it, then try walking around until it is over!.

there is also medicine you can get to help stop panic attacksWww@Answer-Health@Com

get away from the thing that triggured i, or do soemthin else if its not subsidin, take a shower, drink tea, breath into a paper bag, i found onlee tiem reallay gets it o slow down but it helps ?Www@Answer-Health@Com

listen to trance music or play ps3/2!. i gurantee theyll work instantly!. trance music is like atbWww@Answer-Health@Com

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