How accurate are IQ tests?!

Question: How accurate are IQ tests!?
An IQ test says that I have above average intelligence, but a lot of my friends tell me that they think I'm a genius!. Is it possible to be a genius, but be unable to express your thoughts because everyone is dumber than you or that your thoughts are so complex that even you can barely understand them or be unable to show other people your ideas!? I've told some of my close friends my thoughts about technology and stuff and some have told me that my ideas are genius level ideas and others don't have a clue of what I'm talking about (in a good way!.)!. Are there signs to look for to find out if I'm actually a genius!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Honestly, a genius would know that he is a genius and would not care about his IQ but would be doing more useful things right now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

IQ tests don't measure anything real according to the Harvard Biologist the late Stephen Jay Gould (see reference in source)!. Being self "pumped up" so you think yourself a genius and all others "dumb" is a common fallacious trait of teen males!.

Good luck in finding humility, good mental health, peace and Love!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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