Im sick of these kids on here.?!

Question: Im sick of these kids on here!.!?
Dose anyone feel the same!.
I go to answer a question only to read that its a silly little kid with some sort of stupid question about looks or silly stuff!. And the worst thing is they put it in mental health!.
This site should be for 18 and over!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're right they can be pretty stupid sometimes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree that questions in Mental Health should apply to issues related to MENTAL HEALTH!. I just ignore those other questions!. Maybe the less responses they get, the less they will ask stupid questions in the future!.

At the same time, however, it should not be for only ages 18 and over!. Many teens and adolesence have serious issues that they need assistance with, and they should be allowed to ask their Mental Health questions as well!.

Oh and p!.s!. You're doing the exact same thing!. This question has nothing to do with a Mental Health issue!. You are simply annoyed at other people on here and want to know if others agree with you!. Get over it and move on!. Why fixate on these kids!. They're KIDS right!?!? Sheesh!.!.!.

Oh and p!.p!.s!.!.!. I like Capt!. Wang's response!. He doesn't take everything so seriously!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I do appreciate what you're saying it can be a bit wearing when you get to the fifteenth - i have a crush on!.!.!. question but kids need somwhere to get answers too - more now then ever few kids can talk to their parents about such things & so you have to support it!.
You could always try going on another site that has mental health forums etc - although if this is your chosen career i worry about your lack of empathy with the younger guys!.
They are not always silly little kids some of them genuinly want help!.
Please don't go into social work will you xWww@Answer-Health@Com

Unfortunately what you have proposed cannot be enforced!.!.!.!.although it would be nice!! There are many questions on this site from under 18 who truly need help and guidance from those of us who have already been there, done that!.!.!.and sometimes it's easier to turn to someone they don't know because they're afraid of talking things over with their parents or teachers!. I do feel there should be an adult area on this site, yes!.!.!.but how do you split it without under 18 accessing it!? I do feel bad for the teenagers who are truly looking for help because the brain damaged ones with their innane questions are giving them all a bad name! I have found on this site to just ignore the stupid questions and help those who truly want help!.!.!.and stupid questions are asked by those of all age groups!. Unfortunately you can't get away from the idiots of this world!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know the ones on the dating and the friends and thinking I'm bi-polar for a silly reason can be annoying and long but I've learned to just skip over them!. The made up ones that we can tell are made up bother me!. Just ignore the ones you don't like!. Some of these kids with real problems really don't have anywhere else to vent or get any kind of advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't have a problem with kids here, I'm hoping they stick around and learn something, while playing their little games!.

What does annoy me the most on here, though, is when people post an opinionated question, and people give sincere well thought out answers to the question, but the answer chosen as best is usually something like "I agree"!.

It seems to me that a lot of these questions are just people looking for validation of their opinion, rather than a good answers!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

"My step father has sexually abused me since I was eight and it's okay because I cut to make the pain stop, but I want to die and can't tell anyone!. Now I'm afraid becuz I think he's doing it to my little sister, too!. What do I do!? I'm 13!." "I sometimes used to hear a voice that would talk to me!. Now there are two and sometimes they talk to each other about me!. I also see shadow ppl on the wall!. I used to have a lot of energy, have fun with my friends and want to go out!. Now all I have no energy and just want to stay in my room and be alone!. I don't like it and think something is wrong!. I am 14," with the positive and negative signs of schizophrenia!. I've seen these questions and others like them!. Not all the little kids have stupid questions!. Some post very tragic ones!. Yep, most are confusing a bad hair day with a mental health issue, but part of it that they are learning!. They are as you correctly point out little kids!. However, it is a www 'game!.' Everyone belongs here!. Pick the questions you want to answer and ignore the rest!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you know that can really go both ways!.!.!.adults can ask some immature questions just as well as a child can!. you can either choose to answer the question or move on!. i am picky of the questions i answer!. if its about some girl wanting the attention of a little boy, then hell no this is a mental health forum not how to impress a boy! i will refuse to answer that question, but on the other hand if this child is going to commit suicide over a little boy!.!.!.then yes i will help anyway i can!. regardless of their age!.

if you dont like the kids in this forum!.!.!.i hate to say it!.!.!.but their not going anywhere!. so you have to deal with it or move to another forum!.

i am in no way trying to be mean!.!.!.just honest!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm 16!.
I have every right to be on here as you do!.
Quit complaining and just ignore it!.

If you need to give them a few thumbs down, that way if you go back to check the question you won't see the answers again!.

It's not polite that you post something like this!.
Some of the <18 post intelligent questions, and there are some people over 18 that post stupid stuff with bad spelling and grammar, maybe there should be an intelligence test too!.

Seriously, this is just as immature as some of the answers!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Err, well I'm 15 and I guess a lot of kids are just killing time!.!.
But then again, I think it's really cool that younger kids are on here cause we can learn too!.

Even though there are many stupid kids out there, and I know how they can post a lot of dumb stuff, well!.!. it's a really good site for all ages!. Very helpful!.

So you're just going to have to suck it in!. I do agree how most of us should be outside instead of online, but then again!. What can ya do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This certainly is a loaded question!.
I wish there was a place in YA for the kids to post questions!.
They should have their own area that is attractive enough to draw them in!. It all depends on my mood how much the kids stir me up!. If I am in a good mood I will want to offer some help!. If I am in a not so good mood I will skip over the question!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well ya know what!? Its not gonna change so dont procrastinate it i mean do you know how many times ive seen this kinda of question posted!? Yea a lot so get over it!. Posting a question about how others post question is pretty stupid to me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey! dont be so judgmental i bet that some of those "kids" r lookin at ur questions about fairy's and thinkin some things of you that u'd probably wouldn't like!.

and im 18 and once u chose my answer as a best one' on some serous question !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Excuse me but im 17 and how about you laugh every once in a whiel and stop being a tight@$$!. KIDS WILL BE KIDS GET OVER IT!. I am not on of the kids u speak of in ur question but just ignore the dumb answers, they have nothing else to do!. They re just having funWww@Answer-Health@Com

feel happy life,meditaion and healing power,control your angry,fear,tesnion,
just relax and get everything in life without any problems, come out from you broblems!.!.!.
step in http://ammabhagavanmiracles!.

Agreed!. My complaint is that nobody seems to be able to type , spell, or form a sentence correctly!. It hurts my brain!.
Also, the "am i pretty" and "am I pregnant" questions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Kids under 18 ask most of the questions here!. And some of them are relevant!. Though MY pet peeve is when kids pretty much ask you to do their homework, to the letter, for them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

goo goo ga gaWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'm 17 and I try not to be an douche all the time, and I've seen plenty of stupid question from adults as well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no i diff dont feel the same but agre threr r dumb qustencesWww@Answer-Health@Com

well i'm 18 below u gotta prob wit me!? !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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