Why do I feel stupider this year than last year?!

Question: Why do I feel stupider this year than last year!?
Last year in school, I got really good grades and I could easily comprehend things!. Today a year later I feel stupid as hell!. I cant even play an instrument anymore and last year I was one of the best players!. I have a ad grade in my language class!. Also my tests have lower scores!. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!

PS: dont tell me that things are getting harder, because I getting in to higher grades cause I know that is no it!.

What can i do to become smarter!?

Could i have a learning disability!?

Thanks in advanceWww@Answer-Health@Com

Perhaps you have other subconscious thoughts in your mind that even though you are not aware of it are there!. I know I feel stupider than before and my memory is really bad now where as it used to be good!.

However recently I have been bored at home with a baby (no mental stimulation) and have been worried about money, friends problems and trying to make everything work!.

I don't even realise how stressed I have been until things started falling into place!. Now I feel a little clearer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


No!.!.!.ur just an idiot!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are stressed from doing too much!. Slow down!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe u become overconfident when u were getting good grades and u thought u might take it easier this year and u would still make good grades!. Just clear ur head and start studing more and practicing those instruments!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I honestly do not believe you have an LD!. You may be suffering from a neurological disorder!. maybe depression or anxiety!? These can cause memory loss, which may make you feel more stupid!. I know what you're going through because I have felt this way for a couple years!. I was able to get really good grades, and all of the sudden I felt like I had to struggle with everything!. I used to be able to memorize everything for a test, now I feel like I can't memorize anything!. I went to a psychologist and found out that I suffer from mild depression and high anxiety!.
If this continues, then I would definitely see a doctor!. Either a M!.D!. or a psychologist for psychological testing!.
Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

R u doing drugs!? cause that can sure put some wholes in your brain!. In addition, I heard people loose like several hundred brain cells after the age of 20yrs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are not getting stupidty <things change and get harder ,When that happenes too you makes you feel dumb,Your not take deep breath relax and help you remember things you already know,but you couldhave a learning disablilty also,but i kind off dout it !.Just study more then relax then study little more!. Take care!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe you jsut areputting less effort in all your work!. Thats the only possible answerWww@Answer-Health@Com

drugs are bad , NK!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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