Im afraid to eat...?!

Question: Im afraid to eat!.!.!.!?
I dont want to eat, i will get fat and will get a heart attack!. I cant be fat and I dont want to be a healthy weight!. That just means fat, i need help, i dont want a psychologists cause i dont need one, but i need some help! If you want to know my measurments I am happy to add something !.!.!. but what should i do!?xXxWww@Answer-Health@Com

You'll get a heart attack if you don't eat!. Just eat healthy!. Don't go down this road, before you know it you'll be pooping out your inner organs!.!.!.!.!. and that is most scary!!! Take it from me, start eating, because the road through Anorexia is not a pleasant one, and you'll probably send it mostly in a hospital bed with tubes down your nose to feed you, which is also not fun!. Or you can be locked up in a psychiatric ward so doctors can help you and watch your weight, etc!. You make the choice you want, whether to die a slow and painful death, or the healthy and see tomorrow!. I wish I hadn't gone done the road I did!. It's a long recovery and a painful one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eat healths!.!.!.!.!.!.!.dont eat a junk or too much oil!.its will give u a heart attack!.!.if u dont eat then ull die!.!.!.u all is to do just eat health and walking outside and be health!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're just paranoid!. I doubt you're this obsessed with gaining weight or feeling fat because you wouldn't want to post your measurements!. Please don't act like an anorexic!. It really pisses people off when you're faking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat healthy food -that includes fruits and vegetables the fresher the better!. Whole foods are ideal!. Check the webs that discuss eating healthy!. Avoid fried food like french fries, fried hostess Twinkies, stuff like that, eat lean meats and only a postage stamp size, use olive oil, and eat nuts!. Drink water and get your calcium from dairy or soy or cheese!. Have your cholesterol checked and exercise and get the proper number of hours for sleep and you should be o!.K!.

On the other hand if you don't eat you will starve and you will be at the same point of poor health that you will reach by eating poorly (junk foods) only sooner!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to feel the same way, it got so bad I was puking everytime I ate!. But I found a simpiler solution, eat in rations, don't fill your plate with food!. Eat slow, cause the slower you eat the faster you get full!. Eat alot of spicy food, something about the heat speeds up your metabolism!. Don't drink carbonated drinks, drink only water, and alot of it!. And last but not least, excercise regualerly!.
i hope this helped!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not eating is very bad for your health!. Not eating can also lead to a heart attack!. A healthy weight does not always mean fat!. A person of a healthy weight looks so much better than a person who is just skin and bones!.


You say you don't want a psychologist because you don't need one, but you really do!. Eating disorders are a serious problem that requires professional help to get through!. You say you're afraid to eat because you will get a heart attack, but think about this: Karen Carpenter died of a heart attack because she DIDN'T eat!. She was a severe anorexic, and died because her heart gave out because she was so underweight!. Being a healthy weight doesn't automatically mean fat!. You can eat vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken, and a whole lot of other foods and not put on any fat!. You need calories for your organs to function!. Breathing, your heart beating, your kidneys functioning, your brain working all require energy that is provided by food!. When you don't put that food in your body, those functions can't happen, and you ultimately will die!. Talk to a therapist, and talk to your family!. You can't fight this alone, and if you don't get help, you will end up dying!. And I know you don't want that!. There are too many great things in this life to enjoy than to die so young!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

u will be fine as long as u eat healthily and have a balanced diet, it is a lot better 4 u if u do eat even if it is just a small salad or something bt not eating anything will be even worse than eating, its really nt a nice feeling 2 be trying 2 concentrate on an empty stomach, eating speeds up ur metabolism with means ur body will burn fat quickerWww@Answer-Health@Com

Make up your mind, what do you want!? If you want help, its going to take a psychiatrist & a lot of hard work & pain on your part!. If you don't want to do it, then the other choice is to surrender, & allow yourself to die, because that is what is going to happen!. You are kidding yourself if you believe you have any control of the eating disorder!. The fact that appearance is more important than life to you speaks volumes!. I hope you get serious & seek help before your luck runs out, and I promise you, it will!. If you seek help yourself, you retain a small amount of control!. If the help is forced on you, you are totally at the mercy of the system!.!. Its all your choice, I hope you have enough sense to choose life!.!.!. I'lmspeaking from experience, I've struggled with eating disorders for years, & finally woke up & got help!. It can happen, you can escape!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My blog containes both newsworthy and personal articles, and is dedicated to mental illness!. Also included are many links!. You may find me at:

Take care!.

The article on anorexia may be of special interest to you:


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