I need some help. i need a goal. i cant continue like this.?!

Question: I need some help!. i need a goal!. i cant continue like this!.!?
i have severe depression, and various other mental disorders!. i find each day very hard, and of reccent have been continuing life in the same routine every day and its getting me nowhere!.
in the past few days, all my friends have told me that my illness has got too much for them!. they have told me that they are only kids and they cant handle it!.
the thing every body always forgets is that im just a kid too!.
i have no friends left at school, and other then my one best friend out of school and my sister i am very much alone!.
i have spent the past few days hidignout at my best friends house, crying for the first time in years and trying to forget!.
i am feeling like i cant go on!.
i am feeling like i am loosing!.
yet i am not a loser!.
im not going to let myself loose this time!.
not again!.
so im moving schools!. i want a fresh start!.
can i have some tips on what to do at school until i leave this one!?
and some tips on how to make friends at my new one!?
im very shy!.
thank youWww@Answer-Health@Com

you are a very articulate young person and I'd think that someone like you would be a terrific debater or addition the drama group at your school!. If it's too late for that at your current school, I'd suggest you make a calendar with the number of days you have left at this school and for each day you tick off having made it through, do something nice for yourself!. Even if it's just a bubble bath whilst listening to your favourite CD!. It doesn't matter what it is, just make sure you reward yourself for having the courage to go to school each day!. Whilst you are at school, if it gets hard, take your calendar out and concentrate on it!. Take your mind off your environment!. Or carry around a favourite book and immerse yourself in it in between classes!. It's very sad that you 'issues' are proving too much for your friends, but you can't blame them for not having the understanding or emotional maturity to cope with your issues!. It's hard enough for you, let alone people who don't understand it!. You will come out of all this a stronger person!. I would also suggest that you seek some professional help!. Depression, like many illnesses, can be treated!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

make the important things in your life count!.
Don't look at the little things in your life and take them seriously!. Look at the big things in your life and take them seriously!.
Find a way to get away from the world for a while, it helps when you find a passion to distract you from your life fro a while!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

U have mentioned ur first problem at the end that is ur shyness!. This may b the key 2 ur state of mind u find ur self in!. Changing the school would rather compound the problem as u would b in a completely different environment which is difficult for a shy person to cop with!.
I m glad , u r not a looser!. Sure, u r not! Fight this out with ur will power & determination!. There is a whole world out there waiting 4 u 2 come out & hug!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Shy people are normal too!. You don't have to focus on outgoing people!. Find someone that is quiet and share your good times with them!. Invite them over for a game, meal or just to hang out!. Usually outgoing people like to pick on shy people to make themselves fill important!. Remember that you are important and and there are plenty of people that want to share good times with you!. Don't harp on your past failures!. Rejoice about your good times and let others know that you are feeling great!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well for tips on making friends i suggest you be yourself before you had the case of depression make the best of every minute you have with friends and other people that mean the most to you in life and live everyday like its your last (figuratively speaking) LOVE YOURSELF gain some confidence SEEK HELP BY A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL IF PROBLEM DOES NOT NOT GET BETTER OR INCREASES i am just telling you to have fun try the swings i know how childish but i am in college and if i am feeling down i have a friend come o the park with me and we swing trust me its the ultimate happy meddication dont be afraid to laugh!

hope this helps


Theres always a new shy kid switching schools the best way to make friends is to fight your dissorders and be as outgoing as possible without being annaying, I kno it's hard but I have social anxiety and I managed, so I'm sure you can to!. Good luck!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

School isn`t everything!. Have fun yourself!. Try to play an instrument, paint, play games, watch movies, read nice novels!. Don`t let u`r mind get sick!. Fit it with ideas and good thoughts!. Life is so great, even if sometimes sucks, the next day could be the best day of your life and it would be!. Be happy!. P!.S!. You can chat with people on the Internet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Best thing try to learn music n spend some time with games,swimming !.Always besides studies be with friends move
with friends!.Don't be single for some time!.
By doing all these u will b one day perfectly ok!.

Wish u Good LUCK,Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey the only thing i want to tell you is to look for God because he loves you and never will stop doing it, im very spiritual and i know what im saying so pray it will help youWww@Answer-Health@Com

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