Help!!! my son is a junkie?!

Question: Help!!! my son is a junkie!?
he is hooked on oxys and xanax and whatever else he can get!. he gets violent and says he can't cope with ANYTHING unless he high!. he has a very good job that he will lose if i make him go to rehab!. I have called everyone on my caller i!.d!.and talked to them about NOT giving him any drugs, but he still gets them!. he is 19!. he only makes about $120!.00 a week!. (he is to young to be a driver, so he won't make any money until then)so, i can't throw him out!. I love him more than life, but i can't take it anymore!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do you want him dead or employed!?

As a recovering drunk/addict for 22+ years You are making a mistake in thinking the job is more important then Rehab!.

he needs at very least Detox and AA/NA

Detox may at least get him off the pills for a few days, and give you some emotional separation!.
You need to see a counselor as often the family is as ill emotionally as the practicing addict!. You are saying the job is more important, believe me, IT ISN'T, you have to allow him to fail so he can get well!.

It has been my experience when counseling and sponsoring codiene and xanax junkies that long term in-patient care and long term aftercare such as a 1/2 way house is often the best solutions!. If he is only 19 he a lot of time to secure other employment!. He can find a job were he lands in a 1/2 house in fact that is part of living in one!.

Call AA and get him to a meeting!.
Then call a treatment center!.

If you love him, you need to love him enough to let him go!. Tough love, means letting go!. It means not accepting self destructive behaviors to go on in your presence, which means you should boot him to the curb, and ask he not return until he is straight because you can not watch him die!.

Edit: Angela, check your email!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to call a psycologist!. I think your son has a big problem about your family or someone else!. Tell him that you love him!. Don't shout at him!. Don't embarass him in front of others!. Tell him what he likes!. Tell him what's right or wrong!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am sorry about your situation!.
I had the same problem with my son!. He will not be able to get help until he wants the help!. He is ALOT better off in rehab, then losing his life!. Which can happen!. I would find him a rehab that he can not sign himself out of for a few weeks at least!. Good luck, I know it hurts!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need to support him and send him to rehab, he can find another job!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Counselling is better than rehad in a way!. You can work with him more and hopefully he'll see that yor on his side!. If he continues though and it gets worse!.!. Rehab!. I'm Bipolar!. My moods got way out of hand especially on drugs and I got admitted to a hospital and to detox!. I learned how to COPE without being high!. I'll admitt though its soo much easier than being high!. But if it was easy wouldn't everyone do it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

first of all have him put in for some time off and get him in rehab!. the problem will not go away until he gets some help!. he is destroying himself and you also!. tough love is what you need to use to save your son!. god bless!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That job means NOTHING! Esp at 19!. Forget about the stupid job first!. Don't get into the bargaining/debating game with an addict, period!. The single driving force is to aquire and then use for him!. He'll have you spun around in circles saying and doing anything just for this!. Don't let the addiction drive you nuts!. He needs to detox and get professional help to get some sober time in and find out the root causes as to why He's really using!. It's not your fault!. Take it from a 43 y!.o!. addict thats clean for years!. If you have to kick him out 19 is not young!. He knows your weaknesses inside out and manipulates all of them to gain advantage!. It's the drugs, not him and they are powerful as you know!. Whatever you do don't be a enabler and make his life easy to use!. He's not a kid, He's a man whether he likes it or not or dresses like it or not!. There are not always happy answers when it comes to addiction!. It's tough and straight forward!. Just remember not to let yourself suffer so much!. Keep your sanity and my advice to you is to constantly refer to detoxes, treatment programs, narcotics anonymous and don't let it be "fun" at all!. Don't argue with him and let him lead all of the conversations!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If he's 19, how is he too young to drive!? Are you sure it isn't YOU who's the junkie!? Freaking liberal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hello, my brother was a crack and coke addict for many year!. He lived on the streets for 6 years and we were always scared he would end up dead somewhere in the gutter!. And addict is th eonly person who can stop drugs, and usually the only learn when the head rock bottom, once they realise how they hurt their family, and how they are finacially broke only then do they realise to move forward!.
I am not saying that you should throw him out, but it is very selfish, that he isnt repecting you, your home, your feelings!. An addict becomes a manipulater and liar!. My brother has recover from crack, and he is now married and have two beautiful daugher!. There is always hope and there is always someone bigger than us!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

please dont call him a junkie!.!.!. find out why he is getting high !.!.trust me im 21 and didnt ven take a sip of alcohol till i was 19 i was always the one that didnt drink or do drugs!.!.i had sugery on my hand 2 years ago and the gave me 3 scrips of oxycodone!.!. and ive always had stress in my life and when i took pain killers it cleared my mind of everthing !.!.!.well for a couple hours!.!.!.!.i had everthing going for me 2 jobs,nice car, 14,000 in the bank ,going to school !.!.and lost it all in 2 months !.!.school kicked me out because i checked myself into rehab because i wanted help!.!.!. i cant see how your soon could have a oxy problem if he only makes 120 a week idk if that is possible!.!.!. most people on oxy spend more then that in a day!.!.!.oxy addition can happen to anyone !.!.the rich !.!.the poor!.!. it dosnt matter and it starts to control your life before you know it !.!. and there must be a reson for him to want to get high !.!.maybe try to get your family together and all talk to him!.!.!. i know xanax will make you do alot of things you normaly wouldnt and blackout !.!.try finding out what he is more addicted too !.!. please write more details i would like to know what happens!.!.!.!.!.hope the best for youWww@Answer-Health@Com

Giving him an ultimatum (stop or go to rehab) is not a harsh thng, its called tough love!.!. He is not going to quit voluntarily, that's what addiction is!. Only when he feels that the drugs are going to make his life worse than the alternative will he make an effort to get off drugs, & rehab is the only way,he can't do it on his own!.!. He needs an intervention to save his life!. Start with your family doctor & find an interventionist!. You know that drugs are very tough to get off, but this is a high stakes game, & this is the best hand you have to play!. I wish you courage & luck!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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