How happy are you with your life?!

Question: Im interested to know how many people are either
a) extremely happy with their lives... nothing could be better
b) happy and content, but a few things could be better
c) feel pretty average about their life, sometimes happy sometimes down
d) pretty down/ stressed/ wish things were different
e) sick of everything, cant cope, depressed, stressed etc


Answers: E. Sorry to be the negative one, but I'm not happy with my life. I'm a teen with OCD, Clinical Depression and Insomnia. I also have extremely low self esteem and inferiority complexes. I'm bullied at school and by my older brother, and have a disfunctional family. I don't have many good friends and the ones I have can't do much to help me. I've just started highschool and my grades are dropping from the issues. My teachers think I'm stupid because I can't concentrate. People who know about depression call me a loony.
I often stay up late at night, crying and wishing I was dead. I would kill to swap lives with somebody else.
Sorry to weigh you down, but I had to let it out.

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