
Question: Has anyone ever stopped taking thier meds on purpose? That way they would go into a "high", to have more fun at a social gathering?Did it work out as planned?Was it worth it?Will you do it again?

Answers: Has anyone ever stopped taking thier meds on purpose? That way they would go into a "high", to have more fun at a social gathering?Did it work out as planned?Was it worth it?Will you do it again?

Yes I did stop taking them on purpose with hopes of getting a manic high because I was in such a deep depression, I could care less if I was a raving psychotic -- at least I wouldn't be depressed. It didn't turn out as planned. I got caught in a mixed episode (mania and depression at the same time). It made me more suicidal! It was not fun, it didn't make be sociable. It wasn't worth it. Unfortunately I might try to do it again, it's not something I would want to do again - but I'm not thinking rational when I'm in a severe depressive episode.

Yes. No. No. No. No.

The more often you stop and start your meds the less likely they are to work when you start them again.

EDIT: and there is no safe way to guarentee that you will go up and not down.

My son is biplolar. He had one monster of a manic episode that ran up and down the east coast. Anyway, he stopped taking his meds and instead of getting manic again, he is in a mildly depressive state. So to answer your question, DONT stop your meds. Things WILL get better. I give you a lot of credit to ask what to do but now you have your answer. I feel your pain.

If you are Bipolar it wont create a "Hi" it will put you right into a low which can lead to suicide or sleep problems, anger etc and before all that you will end in the hospital

That 'high' knows no limits-that's why the meds are there-to control it. A manic episode results in the most tragic incidents. Like beating up your spouse, and the self infliction can result in suicide. And what fun is there? Your family and friends are not just embarrassed but afraid of the unpredictability of your actions. No, nothing is worth that can't be replaced.

I have stopped taking my meds but never to get high. I found that the meds I was on caused me to have serious highs and lows usually on a daily basis, and social gatherings were the worst. I was jsut idiotic, use to make a total moron of myself but since stopping them I feel I have a little bit of control over the highs. Even though I still make a fool of myself at gatherings!

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