What does it mean to have this mental condition?!

Question: What does it mean to have OCD Obessive Compulsive Disorder? What are the symptoms of this disorder?

Answers: What does it mean to have OCD Obessive Compulsive Disorder? What are the symptoms of this disorder?

i have ocd. everything has to be a certain way.

one of my symptoms is that if something is unbalanced or uneven my head goes crazy and i cant concentrate on anything but the imperfection.

another thing is if someone touches me on one side of my face they have to touch me on the other side too so i dont continually poke myslef in the face to get the same feeling on both sides.

OCD is a condition which causes it's sufferers to repeatedly do certain things over and over. Some wash their hands continuously. Perhaps hundreds of times day.

It's basically being a perfectionist to the highest degree. Everything in one or several areas of your life has to be absolutely perfect.That's about all I know right now, but I have a book being held for me about OCD. Here goes commercial mode: Ask your doctor if you think you or someone else has OCD. They can give you more information, along with any other resources available. Good luck!

OCD is very easy to find information on. google it and you will get many different websites.

Here are some:





People with this disorder have the uncontrollable urge to do certain things over and over. Like locking and unlocking the door a certain matter of times; washing hands repeatedly; excessively worrying; excessive cleaning; germaphobic; obsessively counting things; etc.
Edit: I believe my step-mom has it but not to the extreme. Her house is VERY clean and VERY organized. She gets migraines sometimes when she knows that people will be visiting even though she is very social and has invited them over. She also describes people according to how they keep their own houses in order. Very peculiar that way. She has not been diagnosed and likes the way she is. She doesn't seem to understand why everyone isn't like her.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Repetitive behaviors such as handwashing, counting, checking, or cleaning are often performed with the hope of preventing obsessive thoughts or making them go away. Performing these so-called "rituals," however, provides only temporary relief, and not performing them markedly increases anxiety.
People with OCD may be plagued by persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images, or by the urgent need to engage in certain rituals. They may be obsessed with germs or dirt, and wash their hands over and over. They may be filled with doubt and feel the need to check things repeatedly.
Effective treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder are available, and research is yielding new, improved therapies that can help most people with OCD and other anxiety disorders lead productive, fulfilling lives.

Here are sites that you should look over - this is a VERY complex disorder with many differing parameters.





YOu already have some great links and answers here.
It varies so much in just how bad it can be. It can be mild or very serious , to the point the person has to be in the hospital even.
Everything has to be perfect for these folks and it must be awful to be that way. they do the same things over and over, and some wil even be ruinging their skin by washing so much and with strong soaps, to kill any germs. Most are very germaphobic
It really varies in intensity, so for you to read up on this is great.
I pray you find all you are looking for.
God bless you sister.
Sister Shirley

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