What does passive-aggressive mean?!

Question: Today my teacher told me that I'm passive-aggressive. Does it mean I'm aggressive?

Answers: Today my teacher told me that I'm passive-aggressive. Does it mean I'm aggressive?

It usually means you deliberately screw up whatever you are asked to do so you can get out of being asked to do it again.

It can also be having a very negative and critical attitude but only showing your negativity in a very sneaky way. If you were more openly critical, it would be more likely to get you into trouble. The passive-aggressive person knows how to do just enough to stay out of trouble.


I think almost everybody has some passive-aggressive behavior at some time in their lives.

It means that you show rebellion by not doing something. For example, if you know that your mother is a clean-freak, you'll purposely not pick-up after yourself. What your teacher said wasn't very appropriate. I suggest that you ask her why she said it, and tell her how it made you feel. Ask what you can do.

Think of it as manipulative in a good way. You know how to get what you want and dont stop till you have it, but you dont use extremes.

ur constently a little hostile... hmm nice teacher

It means that you are aggressive in "sneaky ways".

Actually, Poodie, gives a pretty fair example.

If my wife forgets to pack my lunch. I might "forget" to take out the trash.

Instead of openly confronting her about my lunch, I do something she won't appreciate.

( I really don't do that, just giving another example.)

No, you can't sue, as someone indicated below. Passive-aggressive is a BEHAVIOR, as well as a personality disorder. A behavior that most everyone has exhibited at one time or another. Some of the things GHANDI did, would today be considered passive-aggressive.

its a personality disorder said to be marked by a pervasive pattern of negative attitudes and passive, usually disavowed resistance in interpersonal or occupational situations.

meanin you make excuses and you dont wanna do somethin

It means that people should watch out around you. At one time you appear to be calm. Then another time you break someone's head with a baseball bat. It is usually used with males since they have lots of testosterone.

Talk to your parents about getting lawyer and suing the teacher. They cannot diagnose you like that. It is slander. Here is the medical definition but I disagree:

Passive-aggressive: Pertaining to behavior in which feelings of aggression are expressed in passive ways as, for example, by stubbornness, sullenness, procrastination, or intentional inefficiency.

The term passive-aggressive behavior was coined by military psychiatrists in a 1945 US War Department technical bulletin to describe soldiers who employed a mixture of passive resistance and grumbling compliance.

There are four major responses a person often gives.. One being passive, which is an ultimate pushover, passive agressive, which is someone who indirectly tries to articulate what they want.. an example would be someone who acts as if they are joking with you while laughing and tells you that you are not doing something right etc etc. Aggressive is very direct, cut throat and rude.. Assertive, is the happy medium in which all people want to be.. Passive aggressive is definately an insult, not a good of positive quality at all

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