Are we a dysfunctional family?!

Question: I am 67 y/o and vote for John mc cain.
my wife is 58 and votes for Hillary Clinton.
my daughter is 29 and votes for Barack Obama

Answers: I am 67 y/o and vote for John mc cain.
my wife is 58 and votes for Hillary Clinton.
my daughter is 29 and votes for Barack Obama

you raised a very smart daughter :)

I dont think so. Everyone has their own opinons. In the end we will see who wins. :D

No lol everyone got their own opinions, women usually vote for hilary >_>

no you all just have different pionts of veiw! voting for different people means nothing so get over it!

No, it means you are all individuals with your own thoughts on issues.

No, your family is normal. You vote for your interest. You go for the senator who is more like the traditional days. Your wife votes for hillary because shes a strong woman. And your daughter is with the rebellion age and votes for Barack

no you just have different opinion on your choice for president.

Sounds like you're the only one with any brains in that family, so--yes, it is a dysfunctional family. Must be like a cuckoo's nest around there.

No, you are old guy so you probably are a conservative. You wife votes for Hillary because she's woman and all the young people like Obama. It is perfectly normal

politicians are politicians, they are out for the same thing you being dysfunctional has nothing to do with your hopeless moot point arguments to place the puppet of the us government in front of a tv camera

You are a wise man voting for McCain!
You can't blame your wife for voting Clinton, allot of woman are going to, they want to prove that a woman can do a mans job.
And your daughter seems to be young and naive, if you did research on Obama, you would not want him running our country.
Hope i didn't offend you at all.
And of course your family is dysfunctional! jk

Edit: Seems like a few of us are thinking the same way.

I don't think your dysfunctional, your family members have a right as American citizens to vote the way they want to, yes even while living in the same home together. Just be glad they get out and vote....period! Just try not to argue about your differences, agree to disagree.

not only "old" ppl vote for McCain.

Well, you all definatly have your own opions, and that can be a good thing as long as you don't try to "win" or prove to your wife or daughter that your right, when it's not about right or wrong. Be proud of you own opinon but make sure not to upset your family...they should be much more important to you than who wins election. (:

Only for believing voting makes a difference.

No, it just means you have three members in the family who think for themselves!

Bravo for such diversity!


Politically speaking, yes! However, as no doubt you fully realize (since you are voting for McCain) you appear to be exhibiting the most common sense of the clan. Was your wife at Woodstock in `69? That's a pet project of Hillary Clinton you know, she wants $1 million of taxpapyer funds to pay for a Woodstock museum. And watch out for your daughter's choice -- she wants someone youthful (and inexperienced) running the country? I'm with you, I'd much rather have someone with a deep knowledge of how the government runs in Washington DC, knows all the nooks & crannys in the system, & someone that has already built up a fine reputation both here & abroad, and within Congress. Oh, lest I forget, what about his coming from a long line of able leaders & personally eexecuting/displaying those leadership skills on demand. What can Barack Obama say he's done as a senator thus far? Not much really. Oh, here's some timely news ... What can Barack Obama's minsiter say about Barack? Read the news & enjoy the fact that you are making the right choice for America!

That's America, a land of opportunities with all choice and freedom!

Sounds like a family of free thinkers..........

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