Do you think people who take anti-depressants should be allowed to have firearms!

Question: or who have been diagnosed with clinical depression?

Answers: or who have been diagnosed with clinical depression?

They should be "allowed" because it is their constitutional right, but they should be responsible enough to know whether or not they should actually own one. I have bipolar I disorder and I like going to the shooting range with my fiance and I would like a gun of my own but I know that when I get depressed I get suicidal so I don't buy one. It's all about personal responsibility. We cannot take away rights from people just because they have a mental illness.

Yes. If they are taking antidepressants their suicidal ideas are gone.
The pills worked for me, but right now I choose to leave my rifle and shotgun at a relative's house.
I don't have ammunition anyway.

Yes, they should be allowed to exercise their constitutional rights just like everyone else.

Most ppl who kill are perfectly sane. Most ppl with mental illnesses are the victims of violent crime. Do you think most sane ppl should be denied guns? That actually makes more sense.

If your point is suicide, guns are not necessary and usually aren't the method of choice.

god!!!...i was so surprised to read this questions....of course (we) should be allowed...look at all the ppl that carry firearms and commit crimes...who are (not) on antidepressants.....i (do not think those who have previously commited crimes should be allowed to carry firearms.....

Definitely yes, and not just because of second amendment violation and the fact that there would be such a huge controversy over any plans to do this. There are plenty of other mental disorders that in my opinion put a person more at risk to be a danger to others. To put it bluntly, probably the majority of people with depression are only going to be if anything a danger to themselves if they have a gun, and there are plenty of other ways to off yourself besides using firearms.

I thought Poppy's answer was really good, you wouldn't take someone's driver's license because you gave them a prescription for anti depressants would you ? firearms ownership is guaranteed by the 2nd amendment, anything that infringes on that is wrong. Would you remove knives, electric cords, rope, tire tools infinitum from someone because they were on anti depressants? all of those items are common murder/suicide weapons/devices.
I use an analogy at work to explain liability in truck wrecks to people. If you were attacked with a baseball bat, would you expect the police to prosecute the Louisville Slugger plant? no, the hand that wields the tool is where the responsibility lies.


In the former Soviet Union, the most common way to get rid of people who were political dissidents was to stick them in mental instutions and keep them there. Hey, the government said that these people were "mentally ill"!

If you think that can never happen here, you have a lot more faith in government than I do.

I have no problem with their families taking away the firearms out of concern, but the *government*? NO WAY.

um well hard q everyone has the right to bear arms and if they dont let them that would be unconstitutional but i could see how it would be for there own good but im genna have to say no

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