Can you name the signs of depression?!

Question: is there an on line test that can be taken?

Answers: is there an on line test that can be taken?

There is a test called the Zung Self Rating Depression Scale

Persistent sadness, pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness or hopelessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, including sex
Difficulty concentrating and complaints of poor memory
Worsening of co-existing chronic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes
Insomnia or oversleeping
Weight gain or loss
Fatigue, lack of energy
Anxiety, agitation, irritability
Thoughts of suicide or death
Slow speech; slow movements
Headache, stomachache, and digestive problems
In children and adolescents:

Insomnia, fatigue, headache, stomachache, dizziness
Apathy, social withdrawal, weight loss
Drug abuse or alcohol abuse, a drop in school performance, difficulty concentrating
Isolation from family and friends
For dysthymia (minor, but long-term depression), symptoms are less intense and fewer in number, but long-lasting.


Fatigue, lonliness, isolation, excessive sleeping, lack of appetite, increase of appetite, thoughts of hurting yourself, not taking care of your daily hygine or responsibilities. There are several web sites that address this issue, search under Depression Test or try this link\

Yes there are sites to go to. Try NAMI or MHA on the web. There are many signs of depression:
1. Loss of interest in things you once enjoyed
2. Suicidal thoughts
3. Sleeping too much or hardly at all
4. Eating too much or not hardly at all
5. Crying spells for no apparent reason
6. Don't want to go out or do anything
7. Loss of energy
8. Don't feel like you have energy to change out of your clothes, bathe, fix your hair, and other normal every day grooming habits
9. Believing things about yourself that aren't true (You are real thin but believe you are fat when for your height you are underweight)(Think people are talking about you and aren't)
10. Loss of concentration
11. After having a baby feel let down or very sad and/or overwhelmed

Hope this helps.

Lol someone got in with the same site before me :)

Even if you just think you might have depression you should seek out some help, there's obviously some things going on either way and you can't just rely on a quiz to tell you.

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