Not able to stay awake?!

Question: I work from home taking calls, ive been up since 4 am i cannot stay awake i keep dozing off what is the best way to stay awake? i do have ritalin but thats about it help

Answers: I work from home taking calls, ive been up since 4 am i cannot stay awake i keep dozing off what is the best way to stay awake? i do have ritalin but thats about it help

I like to set a timer for every fifteen minutes and then i will wake up when it goes off.

drink coffee, take a shower!

have you been checked for sleep apnea ????? If you snor get checked soon

if you doze off you need to sleep, dont fight your body, put your health first, if you insist on staying awake have some caffeine put some music and try to get more oxygen by opening windows and stuff, warm temperature will make you more sleepy

Get some sleep if possible. If not, take a break and go outdoors for some fresh air, even if the weather is bad. Wash your face with cool water, drink some coffee, walk around a bit, do some exercises. Don't take Ritalin, that's not what it's for.

Good luck.

Staying awake would require some movement here. You don't mention your situation, but if you are seated at a desk, that wouldn't be helping matters.

Having a headset, and pacing, or doing some form of exercises while on the phone would probably help...not anything like a body building regimen, but more like squeezing a ball, or one of those hand grip things.

have sex

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