What helps depression?!

Question: i always feel like crying
i feel like no one notices me
i dont care about anything
i feel like im never present
i feel fat [ i weigh 122 and im 5'4]
i want to weigh 90
i feel ugly
i think everyone is better than me
i dont even bother to look nice
and i barely smile
and i think too much

Answers: i always feel like crying
i feel like no one notices me
i dont care about anything
i feel like im never present
i feel fat [ i weigh 122 and im 5'4]
i want to weigh 90
i feel ugly
i think everyone is better than me
i dont even bother to look nice
and i barely smile
and i think too much

Your last statement hit the nail on the head,you are thinking to much and its all negative thoughts. look for good things in your life. Find something that interests YOU, anything! We don't care how silly or stupid it might be, if it makes you feel better DO IT! Remember... the most important person in your life is you. There is no one more better than you because you are unique. and remember it take less muscles to smile than to frown... so just be lazy and smile a lot. You are taking up space on this wonderful earth, so you are present. You do have a weight problem, but it is so slight that a small amount of exercise like hiking would cure that and at the same time it would be something you could do to keep you from thinking so much about negative things. And my last piece of advice is if you are really depressed, seek professional help. You would really be amazed at what they can do to help you.

Staying away from the ex-girlfriend.

medication and counseling and no you are not fat talk to your parents or teacher or guidance counselor

Exercise! It's good for your head and body.

For starter I say you are not fat. My sister weight is 159 kilograms and I tell you she is big and very strong. I think you should see a doctor for these problems. Chemicals in brain sometimes not function correctly causing these problems and concerns. It is very natural and nothing be be ashamed of.

Also check under you bed to see if witch leave bag there.
This I highly doubt but it is good to know. One time as I slumbers I awake to catch witch as she try to but spell bag under my bed. I do my best to crush her in the dark but she use her power to crush and hurt me big time. As lamp in room was lit I discover this was not witch but my sister putting my boots at my bed. She laugh at me and tell my sisters and they laugh at me as well for I screamed like small girl and also wet my pajama pants but only just a little.
So I say to you go visit you doctor and tell him these problems you have. Remember this is only chemical imbalance in you brain and this can be fixed. Please inform me of you progress.

just try not to think about things so much as that has a HUGE psychological effect and accounts for like 95% of all depressions. try to take up a new hobby. start training - martial arts or gym - anything to stop your mind from thinking too much. if you have your own room, try not to spend too much time in there - only for sleeping, because time alone can make your mind go crazy. i hope it helps.

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