Mental Hospital....?!

Question: OK, l live in CT. The closest mental hospital to me is in Danbury. I'm only 15, but I get the feeling I might go there for reasons I'd rather not go into. But has anyone ever been to Danbury's? Also do they always inject needles into you? (or is this only for people who are really ill (such as self harm, bipolar)?"

Answers: OK, l live in CT. The closest mental hospital to me is in Danbury. I'm only 15, but I get the feeling I might go there for reasons I'd rather not go into. But has anyone ever been to Danbury's? Also do they always inject needles into you? (or is this only for people who are really ill (such as self harm, bipolar)?"

Injections are not always necessary. It depends on the level of illness and what medications are necessary. You always have the right to discuss medications with your physician, ask questions, and even make suggestions about your care.
No treatments or medications should be given without explaining the reasoning to you first, provided you are in the appropriate state of mind to understand.

The staff in a psychiatric hospital are there to work FOR you, not against you. This does require you to work with them as much as possible in order for you to have a positive outcome.

Here is some general information about the behavioral unit in the Danbury Hospital. You can call and talk with them anonymously to mention your concerns and ask questions.

I live in NYC so I don't know the hospital that you're referring to but when I was in the hospital, the only needles that I had was when they took blood work. And that was when I first came in as they always do. I was in for severe depression and I didn't have any real problem with any strange tests or any thing like that.

The only reason they would inject you with anything is if you are uncontrollable--violent, usually, in which case they would inject you with a sedative to calm you down. But I doubt that will be the case, since you're on here.
I live around Danbury too, but I have not been to the hospital in Danbury, but it's probably nicer than other ones might be, since it's such a nice (rich) area. But most mental hospitals are the same anyway.
One suggestion: if you have the money, you might want to look into Hall-Brooke in Westport (CT.) They have a really good program (both in AND outpatient).

people who are really ill? self harm? oh come on. Not all people who self harm are ill.
Bi polar is controlled with medication . The only time a person needs to be injected is if they are in danger of hurting others or themselves.
Many people do not have a clues as to what a mental hospital is like.
Since your 15, you would be on an adolescent treatment ward. Probably with others that have similar problems.

I have been in several mental hospitals for bipolar disorder. I am suicidal a lot and have attempted it a few times, so that's why.

Here is what happens in a mental hospital - they give you a physical, to make sure you are OK that way. Maybe draw blood or ask for a urine sample to check for drug use. They assign you to a room which maybe you share or maybe not. They go thru your stuff to make sure you don't have anything sharp or drugs or whatever. Then you take your stuff and put it away in your room. Then you go see a psychiatrist and talk to some nurses. See a counselor. This is over a few days, on and off. You go to groups where you learn stuff, like how to cope with stress and anxiety. You hang out in the break room and play cards or watch TV. The psychiatrist will talk to you something like an hour, and then give you meds based on what he/she thinks will be most likely to help you. The staff at the hospital will find you a psychiatrist and a counselor in the community and set up appointments for you.

You can't tell there is anything wrong with most patients at a mental hospital. Honestly! There are usually only a couple who may have wild behavior, and sometimes none. The last time I was in a hospital, the Alzheimer's patients were far more disruptive than anyone else.

Hardly anyone ever gets injected with a needle. Only if you are violent. This has never happened to me.

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