Depression Meds Without Parents Knowing?!

Question: I'm 16 years old.
I recently posted a question about how I've been funtioning lately, and have come to the conclusion that I may be depressed.
I've never gone and talked to a school counsellor or doctor about the issue...and I'd rather not, but I know to be able to get help I'll probably have to.
Is there any way I can get a screening test/depression medication (if I do end up having depression...) without my parents knowing? I'd kind of like to stay away from my family doctor as well, because he's sort of.. friends, with my parents, and something might leak out in conversation.
Do depression medications have any side affects that I should know about?
I've been debating sliding a question on a piece of paper under the door of my school counsellor's office, so that it woudl be anonymous, but I don't know what else she could do but refer me to a professional.
Please, I'd really like to get help with this, I want to be like I used to be.
NO, I'm NOT emo / suicidal.

Answers: I'm 16 years old.
I recently posted a question about how I've been funtioning lately, and have come to the conclusion that I may be depressed.
I've never gone and talked to a school counsellor or doctor about the issue...and I'd rather not, but I know to be able to get help I'll probably have to.
Is there any way I can get a screening test/depression medication (if I do end up having depression...) without my parents knowing? I'd kind of like to stay away from my family doctor as well, because he's sort of.. friends, with my parents, and something might leak out in conversation.
Do depression medications have any side affects that I should know about?
I've been debating sliding a question on a piece of paper under the door of my school counsellor's office, so that it woudl be anonymous, but I don't know what else she could do but refer me to a professional.
Please, I'd really like to get help with this, I want to be like I used to be.
NO, I'm NOT emo / suicidal.

maybe try St. John's Wort. It's from a vitamin store or grocery (read at the bottom).

Anti-depressants have some bad side effects in the beginning, sometimes during, and sometimes, when you want to get off of them later.

For instance they can cause panic and increased anxiety (you can feel worse!)

My own son's school counselor will not tell me anything that he has said to her in confidence. That's the way a counselor is supposed to be.

If she's not your own personal ally then she's useless. her job is to help YOU. Tell her there is something you want to talk about -stress (she's heard it 1,000 times) and ask if there is any risk of your parents finding out. Then you might feel comfortable talking to her once in a while. That would be great.

She will likely only tell someone else if you say you feel like killing yourself and then she should coz then maybe she's actually saving your life.

Btw, everyone in the world gets depressed at one time or another, and also thinks of suicide at one time or another, (or all the time!)

okay, before a good therapist will throw drugs at you, they should take time to evaluate you. i would be afraid of any doctor throwing meds at me before they even know what i struggle with.

unfortunately to get these meds you are going to have to get help, and that means getting your parents involved. even a school counselor should steer you towards a therapist for further help.

okay i know it is scary to face coming out and asking for help, but it wont be as bad as you fear, i dont believe. the fear in my experience is far worse than actually doing it. i found most people are supportive, even your parents. they love you and want you to be happy. if they knew you were struggling, i am sure they would want you to get help if you feel you need it. i hope you will reach out for it, because nothing ever improves by ignoring it.

No , there aren't over the counter depression meds. i would talk with your family doctor about what you are feeling. you don't have to go to a psyche doctor to get these meds. your family MD can help you and you need to be honest with your parents, its important. there are side effects of anti-depressants and it is important that your family and your doctor monitor you closely while on these meds. its best to be safe than sorry.. by the way are you eating nutritiously and drinking plenty of water, try a vitamin supplements. it could be just hormonal changes that you don't realize or true depression.. talk to your parents and your Doctor. your health is important, and you'll feel better.. lots of luck..

Definitely talk to your school counselor. Let them know your concerns regarding your parents and such.

The counselor can give you a lot more ideas on how to cope and possibly see if this is depression or something where you need a life change. Just stress to him or her the importance of keeping things quiet until the two of you can come up with some solutions.

I have to mention that I think you are brilliant for recognizing and bringing out that there may be a problem. So many people deny or blow this stuff off and just get into deeper trouble.

Sometimes simply talking can fix so much. You can be reassured your discussions won't be shared with classmates or friends too -
Go talk to that counselor at school maybe even call him or her at first if you are uncomfortable.
Good for you!

No, there's really no meds you can get for this without seeing a doctor and being correctly diagnosed. I urge you to see your family doctor and speak with him about your problems and due to patient confidentiality he would not be able to tell your parents about it. Other than that I would recommend you to speak with a trusted adult because obviously you are reaching out for help and I don't know why you would not want your parents to know because I know if my son had a problem I would surely want to know so I could help him. If they are any kind of decent parents I would think they would want to help and would be upset that you hadn't told them. Anyway, good luck and I hope you find the help you need.

Your parents will find out, just tell them about your concern. There are no over the counter medications. You have to go to a doctor/counselor and get evaluated to see if you are depressed.

Don't try to deal with the problem on your own. It's stupid to try and get depression medications without seeing a doctor. They can be addictive and then you'll really have problems. Remember that the doctor is bound by the HIPPA law whether you're the son/daughter of his friends or not.

It's not unusual for a teenager to suffer from some type of depression. They are dealing with many issues because they're too old to be a child and too young to be an adult. Then there is issues with hormones adjusting for your age and development.

Depression medications have a variety of side affects including drowsiness, nausea, lack of concentration, insomnia, weakness, and clumsiness.

Don't get paranoid about seeing your family doctor. Just ask him from the start if there is a chance he is going to discuss your condition with your parents.

As a post script, there is no test anyone can take for depression that won't show some type of depression in a perfectly normal person. At your age, I would bet that the major part of your problem is the inability to concentrate in class. It's more fun to think about driver license, your own car, girls, girls, girls, parties, and hanging out with friends.

Hang in there and get the help you need and don't be shy about asking.

the only thing i can think of is st johns wort, it is a natural remedy and they are on the shelf. they are vitamins, you take it once a day

Doctors are legally binded to keep anything u tell them / visit them regarding totally confidential! U can visit ur GP at any point u like in confidence!
If u r still concerened try a drop in centre for teenagers! They will be able to point u in the right direction (again anything u say will be confidential) and its free too!


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