Do you think listening to hardcore music helps..?!

Question: relieve stress, or does happier music relieve stress/ help when im depressedd..


Answers: relieve stress, or does happier music relieve stress/ help when im depressedd..


Yeah i believe any music can help you.I like hardcore music too.Its as if the music is going with your life situation and it makes your feel better.But not only listen to hardcore at night before you go to bed listen to classical music, i know it may sound crazy but it makes your body more peaceful =]

any music that relaxes u. i go for something with lyrics that have something to do with my situation.

For me, hardcore music helps me to relieve stress.

yeah for me i listen to screamo or metal when im depressed or down. it gets me motivated. it really depends on what kind of person you are though, some prefer rap or poppy boohbah music or whatever

In my personal experience, I found that when I started listening to happier music was when I started being less depressed. Seriously. I think hardcore music (or any kind of angry or depressing music) eventually makes you angry and depressed if that's what you listen to all the time.

Don't get me wrong, it can be cathartic *sometimes*. Like help you get your frustrations out on a particularly bad day. But if you listen to it all the time, I think it has the opposite effect.

Try listening to happy country songs and other upbeat music. Try it and see what works for you.

Good luck! I don't like taking pills either! lol

I find that there are certain tones or notes that will trigger imbalance.

As for stress. You need to release it. Be though music or dance or whatever. I find hardcore o.k. depending on the stress level.. Loud and heavy makes you move around whereas soft happier notes makes you relaxed. So it all depends on how your body reacts metabolicly. If you feel good after a good work-out then go for it. If you feel wasted and like just crashing out then stick with the feel-good light-hearted stuff.

i listen to hxc loud angry music and i have depression it helps a lil i guess not so much tho

Dude, when i'm pissed i try to find the heaviest stuff that i got to release stress. i just like to listen to the heavy music, or going to heavy metal concerts when i can, to mosh and just beat the sh*t out of people you don't know. it's so fun. it's a good way to release stress.
try listenin to music that is heavy, and some 'emo' bands, or whatever, cuz maybe you can relate to a few of them, like Three Days Grace, i kinda say they're emo, cuz if you read their lyrics, emo! or you know, heavy stuff like children of bodom, lupara, job for a cowboy, walls of jericho. ya just find what you like.

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