What makes some Mothers snap and hurt/kill their children?!

Question: We had a terrible occurance in our area this week involving a gal who killed one of her kids and herself and critically injured two other of her kids. She did have a young baby also. She seemed very "normal" with a upbeat,social personality. Can postpartem depression really get this bad? Woudn't there be signs? What other explanations is there? Just trying to understand...

Answers: We had a terrible occurance in our area this week involving a gal who killed one of her kids and herself and critically injured two other of her kids. She did have a young baby also. She seemed very "normal" with a upbeat,social personality. Can postpartem depression really get this bad? Woudn't there be signs? What other explanations is there? Just trying to understand...

Postpartum depression can be that bad. Usually though women with postpartum depression don't hurt their babies even though they may have fleeting thoughts about doing such because they are overwhelmed and just want the baby to stop crying, needing to be fed, etc.. Neglect would be more common in that population and the mom usually neglects herself before the baby.

Postpartum psychosis is a very real possibility though too. This illness tends to present within about 4 weeks of birth. Women with this illness lose touch with reality, can hallucinate and can have delusions, like the devil is coming for their babies and the only way to save them is to kill them first (allowing them to go to heaven). Obviously, I don't agree with that logic, but those are some of the delusions I have heard. Usually there is a decline in maternal function preceeding that as well.

There are some other psychiatric illnesses like Bipolar disorder with a psychotic mania that could present that way. And, I hate to say it, substance dependency has also caused people to act in that fashion. Other possibilities could be medical-something like a tumor perhaps-but would be less likely.

Based on the fact that she killed herself along with trying to hurt the kids, my money is on a postpartum psychosis until proven otherwise. Regardless of the cause though, it sounds like it was a horrible tragedy.

yes it can be that bad. and snap is called depression. or mood disorder or something. Don't try to understand. it is too complex. It is the same as why some shake they babies. they don't know better, or are over stressed with the baby's crying that they just want silence...


depression yes. too many kids. yes no bodody helping in the home. yes and yes to all above

I have three children and I am a single mother. Yes it can get pretty bad. I do not have the urge to do anything harmful to my children but I can understand how the stress of so much on one person can be so overwhelming that you do something you may regret. It only takes a second to fly off of the handle or loss you temper and that can be enough to do something irreversable. I know that when all of my children are calling me at once, the telephones ringing, dishes need to be done, laundry, dinner needs to be fixed, someone needs help with homework, the other needs help with the potty, and then add the stress of finances. Hopefully I helped a little. God Bless.

If postpartum depression goes unattended it can get to the point of postpartum psychosis. It is a very real disorder. Often times, mothers after having their babies have chemical imbalances due to the normal chemicals in their brains that effect emotion and hormone levels after pregnancy. Sometime mothers will get something called "Baby Blues" where the are super emotional, and often times it is Postpartum Depression... but mothers tend to put it off as baby blues. When it is put off for so long and women start to feel suicidal or homicidal it is then called Postpartum Psychosis. Often, a woman will feel like her baby is better off with out her, or she is better off without her baby... and instead of taking medication and getting better, she will take matters into her own hands. I will pray for that family. It is soooo sad because having a baby is supposed to be one of the single most fulfilling things in a woman's life. But sometimes it can turn tragic like that.

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