Is autism a gift?!

Question: I have autism so I can answer this.

however, it really depends on "What kind" and "How severe" the autism is.

If you're talking about as bad as an autism like... OCD then no, that is a curse.

But if you're talking about a type that is completely mild like the kind that I have, Aspergers then it is both an Academic gift and a Social curse.

No matter how you slice it. Mild autism is mostly social problems and for the most times, Speech impediments. (I tend to get tongue tied a lot.)

Now if you go into total and completely horrible autism like Downs Syndrome (AKA: Metal Retardation) well.. I don't think I can say that it's a gift.

When you have mild autism like myself, You become.. Smarter. Your IQ gets a nice boost (My IQ is 131) but you have social problems. Which you can train to get rid of or help minimize those social quirks.

However, NEVER use it as a crutch for bad behavior. Aspergers or any kind of autism can not be used as an excuse. Period. I hate it when people do that. It gives autistic people a bad name.

It also gives us.. A different view on life. A perception that a neurotypical person could never imagine. Our sense of creativity is great.

Answers: I have autism so I can answer this.

however, it really depends on "What kind" and "How severe" the autism is.

If you're talking about as bad as an autism like... OCD then no, that is a curse.

But if you're talking about a type that is completely mild like the kind that I have, Aspergers then it is both an Academic gift and a Social curse.

No matter how you slice it. Mild autism is mostly social problems and for the most times, Speech impediments. (I tend to get tongue tied a lot.)

Now if you go into total and completely horrible autism like Downs Syndrome (AKA: Metal Retardation) well.. I don't think I can say that it's a gift.

When you have mild autism like myself, You become.. Smarter. Your IQ gets a nice boost (My IQ is 131) but you have social problems. Which you can train to get rid of or help minimize those social quirks.

However, NEVER use it as a crutch for bad behavior. Aspergers or any kind of autism can not be used as an excuse. Period. I hate it when people do that. It gives autistic people a bad name.

It also gives us.. A different view on life. A perception that a neurotypical person could never imagine. Our sense of creativity is great.

Yes, they see life in ways that we can't even fathom. I actually admire them :)


Hell no. Kids with autism can barely speak words. You really have to keep an eye on them.

yep. got it for my 7th birthday. no - it's a medical condition

in a way....yes.

My little brother cannot talk or comprehend much of what you say. He is 12. He has only been toilet trained for a 3 years and still wets the bed. The flushes toys down the toilet, pours chocolate on the carpet, smashes eggs in the sink, rubs peanut butter on mirrors, finger paints on the hard wood floors, rubs feces on the walls, urinates in the bathtub etc. He can barely read and his writing is worse. You have to speak to him in 2-3 word sentences for him to understand it.
He cries when he sees kids his own age doing things like riding a bike, playing baseball or basketball etc. He knows he is different.
We love him to death.
He has a smile that would melt your heart and an instant and hugs and loves you without motives. It is pure.
Yet, I would have to say it is not a gift. He struggles daily with things and I would do anything to take those struggles from him but I can't so I help him as best I can and everyday his skills improve maybe a little more.
It is a condition that he has but it is no more a gift than diabetes or MS and we love him no less or more because he has it.

all children are gifted.but special children are more gifted

I wouldn't consider autism a gift per se. Children with this medical problem almost always have difficulties that most other children do not have to face. While they may have a unique perspective on life, many forms of autism don't allow the child to communicate this perspective to others.

Some may say that they are a gift from God and that they (family, friends etc) have been changed by having these "special kids in their lives but in truth, most of the time this is said by people who do not have to cope 24/7 with an autistic child (I'm talking about the lower functioning children who need constant care).
It is a medical disorder that needs much more study and covers a very broad spectrum.

The gift, I could make a presumption here and assume you might be asking about "savants". These are people who have autism, usually have pretty severe developmental disabilities and yet display astonishingly high mental capabilities in some areas i.e. math or music. No one knows why this happens or why the ratio of "savants' favors males 6:1
There is still so much to learn about the brain and of course what is really normal and abnormal instead of just socially acceptable.

We are all gifts to someone I reckon.

It really depends on your perspective. If you look at things from positively, then it is. If you view autism as more like a struggle and a pain, then it is not.

Autism is a debilitating neurological disorder caused largely by vaccinations and is about as much a gift as cancer is a gift.
Our children are being POISONED! Brain damage is not a gift. I understand the motivation for a positive outlook and agree with it. If you lose your sight in an auto accident you can still live as a rewarding productive life as anybody else if you have the attitude. BUT- many people afflicted with autism will never recover to lead an independent full life. You must face the hard cold reality that our medical community and government have badly damaged tens of thousands of people through their well meaning but terribly flawed vaccination program.
It's time for you to study up and speak out against this madness.
I know you don't want to believe it. I know your doctor says they are safe.
Your doctor is dead wrong.

in a way persay

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